Chapter 2- Save your Mate! (RW)

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*Dustin's POV*

"We really need help, the rogues kidnapped my mate only a week ago and she barely escaped. There is no telling when they plan on attacking again, but we really need to get Pao to the specialist." The Alpha speaks his voice cracking a bit.

I sink further into my chair and look down at my papers. "I can send you some warriors for defense, about 12 is all I can spare." I state, rubbing my eyes. "That's all that we can spare at the moment, but please rest assured that we will send more when we have the opportunity."

"Thank you Alpha Dustin, at first I was nervous to contact you... you've really turned you pack around since your father." I stiffen at his words, before sighing and hanging up.

'Arlo, your unit needs to gather and report to the Parture Pack. You leave tomorrow morning, they have a rogue problem and you will stay there until further notice understood?' I mindlink. After hearing a reply I stand up. I don't want to think about my father right now, so I decided to take a break. Find something to distract myself with.

I step out of my office and into the hallway. It's empty, ugh I don't like working on weekends, my house is lonely. The hallway is a light cream with white trim. It's very professional and boring. I wonder if my mate will want to change it, after all I wouldn't mind. I'd probably push it and want to go pick out colors. Making this house our own is something special that I really want to share with my mate.


I can hear crashing from the kitchen. "Damnit Dustin!" I hear him yell. I chuckle and walk to the kitchen only to see Conor angrily picking up shards of glass. "You're a dick, you know that?" Connor asks glaring at me.

I smile down at him. "You really shouldn't say that to your Alpha." I state.

"And you shouldn't scare your Beta, dickwad." Connor states throwing the shards in the trashcan next to him. Connor's orange hair flashes back and I stare at his cool brown eyes.

"Probably" I say throwing my arms in the air and opening the fridge. I grab out a bag of jerky and start munching down. The colder it is, the better it tastes... well unless it's frozen. That's a little too far. "So I ended up sending Arlo's group to the Parture Pack. It's concerning that the rogues got their luna so easily."

"Seriously Dustin. It's the weekend do we have to talk about work?" Connor asks biting into an apple as he scrubs the orange juice from the floor. I honestly think he's obsessed with that damn color.

"Connor, in case you forget we work everyday 24/7" I state with jerky in my mouth. "In any case it's important because it means that rogues are trying to accomplish something. They've been rather dormant recently and must I remind you that we aren't that far from the Parture Pack? This means it poses a risk to us as well."

Connor sighs. "Yeah I know Dustin, it's just... the weekends are sacred can we watch a movie or something, because I really just wanna relax."

I plop the jerky away and think. "Yeah, I guess. We need to work on notes for the meeting on monday tomorrow though. Deal?" I ask folding my arms.

"Sure deal." He states. "Ugh, it's difficult running a pack without all four leaders." I nod- understanding his point.


Finally the shitty movie was OVER. I groan and roll off the couch. "Just like before that movie sucked! I don't understand why you always insist on watching it!" I complain.

"Shut up! It's an amazing movie and you know it!" He yells back throwing a pillow at me. I glare at him and turn off the TV. Connor growls at me and pouts.

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