Okui Tsubasa | Darling, I'm a Mess

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Tell me, darling.. what went wrong?


It was late night back at Tokyo. The streets were less busy than it was in the morning. There weren't as much people roaming around either.

"Hey, honey, that restaurant over there seems really appealing!" A lady said as she pointed out the restaurant she was talking about.

"Then let's go see what it has in store for us." The woman's fiancé said as they walked towards the establishment.

The young man sighed at the sight of the couple, but continued to walk around.

"Hey, Koutarou, let's go buy some popsicles before we go home!" A girl said as she clinged onto her boyfriend's arm.

"Sure thing, Kana." He said then giggled at his childishness.

The young man stopped in his tracks and face-palmed. Rain then started to pour. Gradually falling harder as each minute passed.

"Oh how good it was to be in love.." he said to himself.

Okui Tsubasa was not your average guy. In fact, he was the perfect and most ideal type of man for all women of any age.

Kids adore him, young girls would die just for a date with him, ladies fall for him. There's all the more charm to him than you might think. Plus, he also has the most energy in town. He might even be the most enthusiastic person in the district.

Tsubasa was always the one to motivate others. He'd always give them a reason to something and to keep moving forward. The only reason why he was able to that, was because of a lady who stole his heart.

She went by the name of (L/N) (F/N). She was a sweet but reckless girl. Tsubasa loved her, flaws and all. She was a rebel but she still had a sense of responsibility. She was beautiful; the apple of Tsubasa's eyes.

Whenever the young man would lose his motivation, she would simply say, "So you're going to give up, just like that? I thought you said you're more than man enough to date me?"

Tsubasa loved hearing those words. But he never knew that he was slowly, deeply, falling in love with her.

He was always kidding around when he called her "darling" and teasingly tickled her waist. She never admitted it, but she loved those gestures of his.

Tsubasa was never the honest type. He never knew what he felt too, which made things more complicated. And that was where things started to take a wrong turn.

(F/N) started to ask Tsubasa, "Tell me, are you just playing around or do you really love me?" He was just dumbfounded. He didn't know what he felt back then.

He really thought that he might've just been playing with her, and so.. the two parted ways because of Tsubasa's faulty decision.

Nowadays, he loved to reminisce. He loved to look back at the times when he saw her smile, when he would feel her warmth from her embrace, when she would wipe his tears when he felt sad, when she'd hold his hand and snuggle next to him when he felt discomfort.

He missed everything. He missed everything about her. He wanted to be with her again.

Lost in his thoughts, the young man walked all the way to the bar where he first met her and coincidentally, she was there.

He had no words to spit out, no voice to explain, no time to process the feeling that he felt.

"Hello, Tsubasa-san. What a coincidence it is to see you here." She said with a straight face.

To be honest, she was really worried. "What's up with Tsubasa? He really doesn't look like himself, plus he's soaking wet. He might catch a cold. Wait, I shouldn't care. He.. doesn't love me anyways.." she thought.

The young man still stayed silent. Probably traumatized that he might push her away again.

"Tsubasa-san, are you alright?" She asked.

"No." He wanted to say. "No."

"Tsubasa-san? Is there something wrong?" She asked as she walked closer to him.

"Yes, there's something wrong! There was always something wrong!" He wanted to tell her.

Becoming worried, the lady said, "Hey, Tsubasa, what's going on? You're not looking so good-"

".. come back.. come back, ..(F/N).." he finally spoke up in tears.


"Please come back. I was stupid, I didn't know what I was saying— I, oh just please come back." He said as he hugged her tightly.

"Tsu-Tsubasa, you're soaking wet-!" She said.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry." He said as he immediately let go of his embrace.

(F/N) sighed. She looked at Tsubasa with a disappointed look then cupped his face.

"Stop crying, you big baby." She said then wiped his tears away.

"Come on." She said as she grabbed his hand and started walking away.

"He-Hey, where are we going?" He asked, but obediently followed her.

"My place, obviously." She replied.


(F/N) panicked as she waited for Tsubasa to come out of the shower.

"What am I gonna say when he gets out? Should I tell him that he should stay the night? No, no, that sounds bad. Maybe I should tell him that it's okay even if he doesn't love me. No, (F/N), what are you, an idiot?!? Maybe I should tell him that it's still okay to be friends. Oh no, no! Urgh!" She thought as she kept walking back and forth outside the bathroom.

"(F/N)," Tsubasa suddenly said as he wrapped his arms around (F/N)'s waist.

She froze in place. She didn't know what to do. She wasn't sure what Tsubasa was doing either.

"W-What?" She asked in a panicky tone.

"Kill me now for just realizing that I've loved you all this time." He said as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

As soon as he did that simple but sweet gesture, tears flowed down from (F/N)'s eyes. She couldn't believe what she just heard. She was crying tears of joy. Well, it was the first time that she'd heard Tsubasa say something so sincere.

"(F/N)," Tsubasa said as he faced her.

"I really love you." He said as he held her hands.

Tears continued to flow down from her eyes but she laughed, "I know. I believe you. I love you too, Tsubasa. Don't you dare leave me again." She threatened.

"I won't. I wouldn't dream of it." He said before slowly closing the gap between them.

Darling, I'm such a mess without your love.

10-14-2017. 5:18 PM.

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