Okui Tsubasa & Murase Dai | Man in White

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So who's going to be the man in white?


For my kouhaiiii Seiyuufan ❤️ here it is, gurl 💛💙


"Tell me, (F/N).."

"Tell me..."

Those words kept swirling around (F/N)'s mind. She just couldn't pick between those two men.

(L/N) (F/N) was the daughter of the rich CEO of (L/N) Tech Corporation. She was just about to take over the company. Until her grandparents said that she needed a right hand before she could handle the business.

Her father introduced Murase Dai; he was the son of Murase Jun, the famous writer. Sold billions of copies of her various books nationwide. Dai was a plain and poker-faced man. He's very technical with everything and thinks more critically about the profits of his mom. Very wise with financial managment.

Her mother on the other hand, introduced Okui Tsubasa; the middle child of the heirs of Okui Trading. Known for sharing various stocks worldwide. Tsubasa was a great leader. He knew how to face abrupt changes for the team and knew how to act in front of high ranked officials. Very good at acting, indeed.

(F/N) was definitely torn. She just didn't have a sound decision to picking between the men.

"What am I supposed to do?" She asked herself as she kept walking around her office in circles.

"Ms. (L/N)?" A worker asked as they knocked on her door.

"Come in." She answered in a distressed tone.

"You have two deliveries from–"

"From Mr. Okui Tsubasa and Mr. Murase Dai? Yes, I know. Thank you. Please don't send any more up if there are." (F/N) cut the girl off as she placed the two boxes aside.

"Understood, ma'am." The girl answered then bowed before leaving her office.

(F/N) sighed for the nth time. It's been at least two weeks and she still hasn't talked to either of them after they asked the same question at the exact same moment.

She couldn't deny the fact that she was in love, but she was in love with both of them. And now, she needs to choose.

"(F/N), may I talk to you?" A man asked as he knocked on the door.

"Yes, father." She replied as her dad entered her office.

"(F/N), I don't know how to say this but I'm sorry. Your mom and I didn't think that things could get this complicated. We're giving you a third option." He said.

"A third option?" (F/N) was intrigued and confused about her father's words.

"We're allowing you to handle the business on your own. We'll handle what my mom has to say about this. It's your choice, (F/N), choose wisely. Trust your heart, not your brain. You don't have to marry someone for the company. Marry them, because you love them." Her father said before he exited his daughter's office.

(F/N) sat down in front of her desk and pulled her hair.

"Oh boy. This got a lot more complicated than he thought."


5 months later...

It was a beautiful spring day.

People were walking and chatting outside, in the sunny weather. Families were walking in parks, eating in restaurants, or having fun at the beach.

On the other hand, a young woman was sitting near a fountain by the park. In a gorgeous sun dress and sandals, waiting for someone to pick her up.

"Hey." - the man said. She smiled at the sight of his face and the sound of his voice.

"I thought you'd never come." She said as she stood up and walked towards the man.

He laughed, "as if I would leave you here. I was already lucky enough to be chosen by you."

"You sure were." The girl said before tiptoeing and leaning in, brushing her lips with his.

"Hmm, I still can't believe that we're already married." He whispered.

She laughed, "it's been three months, what would you expect? In time, you'll accept that I chose you over him." She said with a smile before kissing him a second time.

The man in white... was destined to be me.


And sorry this is a late update and it's also very short ✌️✌️😅😅


03-23-2018. 7:32 PM.

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