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A/N: It's kind of rough and I apologise for how short it is, but hey update !

"Grimlock! Grimlock, get back here you piece of shit!"

Cade Yeager is pissed. But then again, when is he not? Though the man has a history of anger issues and being way to easily pissed off, he has good reason this time. Grimlock, a dinobot Cade and Malia sometimes house, is stirring trouble again.

The Yeager's met Grimlock when he came crashing into the garage (literally. Cade is still working on patching up the hole in the barn.) The father-daughter duo learned that along with Bee, Grimlock was one of the few autobots left hiding on Earth. After the various wars and human resistance, the autobots were forced to leave the planet which they were not welcomed, but a few stayed in secret, protected by their disguise as cars. When Grimlock heard of Bumblebee's safe haven at the Yeager's, he set off to find them in hope that maybe they would take him in as well. After some convincing from Malia and Bumblebee's desperate songs, Cade gave in. And he's been regretting that decision ever since.

Grimlock is a dinobot, and dinobots aren't known for their steady thinking and calm presence. They're full of rage, and are animalistic. They act first and think later, and often cause a hectic migraine in between. Like now, where Grimlock has stolen one of the cars Cade is supposed to be fixing and refuses to give it back. It's a headache on top of Cade's already present headaches.

"Dad," Malia rolls her eyes at him. Unlike her father, Malia has patience. Unlike her father, Malia doesn't get so easily pissed off. Or at least, not at things like this. "You know you can't shout at him like that. He doesn't respond well to that kind of tone."

Cade is red-faced. "IDONTGIVEACRAPMALIA!"

Malia moves to walk right next to him and bumps his shoulder with hers. "Your blood pressures going up again," she sings.

Oh, if looks could kill. Malia chuckles as Cade's eyes widen at the sight of Grimlock tramping one of their trees into the ground. "My favourite tree," he whispers with sadness.

"You don't have a favourite tree," Malia says.

"I don't anymore!" Cade exclaims. He stops walking. Malia does too. They watch as Grimlock runs across the Yeager property, ground shaking with each step he takes. They don't run after him. They don't need to. With the way the humans feel about the transformers, he won't risk going too far.

When she turns to her father, Malia expects to find him looking at Grimlock in anger. But anger is not the expression he wears. It's sadness. Sadness and stress and anxiety and all of the above. It's an unwanted surprise for Malia. Cade almost never wears that expression in front of her.

"This is such bullshit," he says more to himself than to her.

Malia's been in this situation before – a stressed out Cade trying to make everything work – but not enough to know exactly what to say. They're a team, but Cade has always gone above and beyond to make sure his worries were never Malia's. But he's not trying to protect her now because he needs her. He might not say it, but she can see that this - Grimlock and Bee - is something they'll have to handle together. "What is?" Malia asks carefully.

"That was a very important person's car."

Malia doesn't know who he's talking about, but figures it's best not to ask. "They won't be mad if we get it back. We'll be able to fix up whatever damage Grimlock does."

Cade doesn't say anything in response. His face is stone, but Malia can tell his mind is running with a thousand different thoughts. Malia steps around to stand in his line of vision. "Dad?" It's only then that his eyes meet hers. "What's wrong?"

Cade shakes his head. "Nothing's wrong." Stubborn as ever.

Malia doesn't believe him. "You've got that look on your face."

His eyebrows draw together. "What look?"

"That look you get when something's worrying you," Malia explains. Cade looks away, and it's all the confirmation Malia needs. She softens her voice. "What's wrong, Dad?"

He forces his gaze to meet hers. Her eyes – so big and so brown. She has her mother's eyes, and he could never lie to those eyes. "I don't know how to do this," he tells her with a sigh, like he doesn't really want to say it but knows she deserves to understand. "Protect them. Bee's okay – he's got you. But Grimlock? I don't know what to do. And if he's looking for somewhere safe, others are bound to as well. And if they all come here –"

"If they come here, we'll give them a place to hide and figure out the rest as we go," Malia finishes for him. Cade blinks as Malia shakes her head. "Maybe others will follow, maybe they won't. Either way, Grimlock's here and we're dealing with it. And we'll deal with the rest if they come, too. You don't have to know it all right now, Dad. You didn't have it figured out with me and I turned out fine."

Judging from the boy she's dating, Cade wouldn't be so sure. Of course, he would never tell her this. He may think it, but he'd never tell her.

Cade lowers his head. Despite Malia's encouragement, he's still not entirely convinced. "I can't protect them if the government finds out they're here," Cade tells her. It's impossible to not notice the worry that coats his voice.

"You're worried about something that hasn't even happened. It's only Bee and Grimlock." The ground beneath them begins to shake more violently, and when Malia turns around, the dinobot is running towards them. She smiles. "See!" She turns to her Dad. "He's coming back. I told you, it'll work out on its own."

But Cade just stares at Grimlock, watching in awe as the transformer stops running once his in front of the two of them and bows his head until his Cade's height. Malia steps out of the way as Grimlock holds the car in his mouth and outstretches his head towards Cade. He's confused for a moment, before Malia nudges his shoulder. Cade points towards the barn/garage, and without another word, Grimlock trots towards the building and drops the car right in front of it. "Holy shit," Cade breathes out.

She stands next to him, watching as Grimlock sits down next to the damaged car. Malia's smiling. "Told you."

"Yeah," Cade says, still in awe. "Yeah, you sure did, kid."

Cade wraps his arm around Malia's neck and pulls her into his chest, laughing as they begin walking towards the barn. This is good. Grimlock created some upheaval, but they've got enough time to fix it before the owner comes back for his car. It'll work out, Cade convinces himself.

But when Cade and Malia approach the barn to find him already there, leaning against Bee as dramatic music plays from the transformer's speaker, he isn't so sure. Cade's heart drops to his stomach as Malia swears under her breath.

"Yeager," Lennox smiles. "How's my car?"

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