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As I was checking the bottles, Sejun-nim walked up to me.

He just told me that the new guy will be working with me in the bar and that we'll click.

He left after that, to call the new guy maybe. And I just went back to my business.

When the guy came, I still went on my work. There is no way I am talking to this guy first.

"Hello. My name is Jaehwan. I'm the new guy. Nice to meet you...?" I saw him extend his hand and I took it. I'm not that cruel.

"Leo. Nice to meet you, too." I shook his hand and let go.

"How do we divide the work?" He asked and he looked around.

"How about you take orders from the right and I'll take orders from the left?" I suggested.

"That sounds great! I'll be leaving for now and will be back later. I still need to fix my things, I just went to fix my papers today." He said and he smiled brightly, like how 'he' used to.

"Is that so, hmm?"

"Yeah, so bye for now." He waved and he was gone of my sight.

I was done with my checking and got nothing else to do.

"Taekwoon-ah!" That sweet voice.

I turned around. I was right. It's him.

"Hakyeon. What are you doing here?" I reached out for his cheek . He held my hand and let it stay like that.

"To see you, of course." He said in a giddy tone.

I sat infront of him with only the counter seperating us.

"You look cute today." I commented. He removed my hand from his face and pouted at me.

"I'm always cute, fyi" He crossed his arms and glared at me.

I just smiled at him with my hands under my chin.

"I love you." I whispered at him.

He went back in this original position and smiled again.

"I love you too, Taekwoonie" He said lovingly.

I removed my hands from my chin and rested my head on the counter.

I sat up again and brushed my hair upwards.

I'm getting hungry again.

I went to Wonshik and told him that I'll be eating.

And I went out to eat like how I usually do.


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