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Nighttime came. People were piling up in the club.

Jaehwan and I were getting busy.

There are more customers tonight.

I flipped the 37th cocktail tonight. I bet Jaehwan got to flip more because he's new. People will come to him. He smiles so much, it's distressing.

At the corner of my eyes, I can see Hakyeon seated on one of the seats in the dark. He's not really doing anything, he looks like he's just listening to the jazz playing.

56th cocktail and the people around me started to gather to Jaehwan. Poor kid. But I can't interfere if they want him. It means a little break for me.

I mixed a blue dragon and poured it in a wine glass. (totally made that up)

I walked up to Hakyeon and sat infront of him.

He looked up to me and his face brightened.

"For you." I placed the blue dragon on the table.

He just stared at it.

"You know I don't like to drink, right?" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. Cute.

"It's juice with a tiny amount of gin. It won't make you drunk, I promise." I pushed the drink a little closer to him.

He took a sip but it looked like he didn't even drank some.

"It's good." He said while nodding continously.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked him.

Hakyeon normally don't come while I'm at work. I don't know where he goes, but when I get home, he'll be there.

"I thought I'll visit since you got a new guy. Jaehwan, right?" He said.

"Yea. I'm on a little break because he took all of my customers. Look." I gazed beck at the bar as he follow with his eyes.

"He's good. And he's cute." Hakyeon commented.


"Not really." I said in a low voice I thought he won't hear.

"He is! Look at him smile! He's pretty handsome" Hakyeon had placed his hands under his chin as he 'admire' the new kid.

"But you're more handsome and cuter and better than him, though" Hakyeon continued and took a sip from his drink.


I felt my face heat up and I quickly rested my head on the table.

"Taekwoon, you got customers again. I'll go now. Bye. I love you." He said.

I raised my head and looked at the bar. He's right.

"I love you, too." I replied and he just smiled.

I went back to the bar and when I looked back, he was already gone, leaving his drink still full.


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