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Morning came again.

I think I woke up a little bit later than normal. It's already 10am.

Today is Saturday, the bar will open earlier.

I looked at the calendar hanging above my sidetable.

June 30.

So it's been a year, huh?

Today is his birthday, too.

If he's gonna come back, then the bar will open at the scheduled time.

I smiled to myself and hurried to the bathroom.

After finishing what I had to do at home, I went to the bar.

Party streamers were hanging from the ceiling. Neon lights were added everywhere.


I looked behind. Wonshik was the one who called me.

"There will be a birthday party later, you're moved to the front. Sejun-nim told me to tell you." Wonshik said when he reached me.

"And the kid?" I asked about Jaehwan.

His expression became confused but cleared up immediately. "Oh, Jaehwan-hyung? He'll be in the bar, working."

I nodded. It was the same as last year, though we only have a new guy now.

The front had a great view of everything. If I'm not making drinks, I'll search for him in the crowd, usually find him socializing.

"What time?" I asked Wonshik.

"8pm."he replied shortly.

"Today's theme?" I asked.

"Pink." He replied.

Pink... I blushed at the thought of me wearing pink uniform with Hakyeon around. Why today?

I lowered my head, which Wonshik noticed.

"Embarrassed?" He teased and he laughed out loud.

"Shut up" I hit him and calmed myself down.


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