I'll get her back!

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"mom! Is Medha okay! Is she still crying? Can i go to her please!" i had rushed in to see everyone gathered outside Medha's room.
"Manik! No, she's fine! And she isn't crying! The doctor has given her the medicine amd she's sleeping. Mukti is with her! You come with me!" mom answered calmly walking out of the crowd and signalling me to follow her. I did.
"Mom? What is it? You look..."she cut in the middle.
"Manik! You went after her? Did you talk to her?"now what am I supposed to tell her that her dear daughter in law thinks i have a sick girlfriend.
I mean yes,okay, I love Nandini and I'll seriously want to see the jealous wife in her but apparently she's the one misunderstanding me. I mean who gets jealous of her own daughter. But if only she knew,and that only if she listened to me.
"Ma, i tried! I really did. But she wasn't ready to listen to anything! Infact she told me to go to my sick girlfriend! Can you believe it? Medha! Girlfriend!" I felt my insides tickling when i rewinded the whole conversation we had! A sudden urge to laugh out so hard engulfed me and i burst out. Ma gaped at me like i had gone mad.
"Manik? You'e laughing! You should have told her about Medha! And that you don't have any girlfriend." She looked at me questioningly but there was a kind of peace spread on her face as she saw me laughing. Even I could feel the peace. I had laughed my heart after so long. It felt like a burden had been lifted off me.
"C'mon mom, you think i didn't try! But well you know her!" I said calming myself down. Something in me felt settled. Though she was still misunderstanding me but if she was here i knew i would get her back. I would get her to listen to me. Even if I have to be the old Manik Malhotra for her.
"But now what? What if she goes back? And that's not it! What if she and Maddy.."ma let out what troubled her and her last words hit me like a truck. What if she and Maddy had a thing? What if my Nandini wasn't mine anymore? What if she had moved on? What if Maddy had persuaded her to move on..with him! After all he was always after her, after my girl.
"I'll break his face! Bury him alive if he tried to take her away from me!" I murmured in my trance while mom looked shocked.
"Manik!" Ma started as i shifted my gaze from nowhere in particular to her. Anger was visible in my eyes but i didn't want mom to worry.
"Ma relax. I'm not going to do anything until I'm sure but once i am... And.. if there's something of that sort.." i said as the image of Maddy amd Nandini, my Nandini came to my mind. I closed my eyes to wash it off.
"Manik you will not do anything that makes it worse! Is that clear?"ma said in a stern voice.
"Don't worry mom! I will not do anything that I've already done! Nothing impulsively. i promise! But i also promise I'll win her and her trust back and I'm not letting her go! Not this time ma! I'll do whatever it takes to stop her from leaving!"
Mom looked at me, her face clearly depicting all the mixed emotions she was experiencing. She probably thought I was being overconfident, but really I know and I'm sure I'll win her back. I'll get her to listen to me.
"Whatever is going on in your head,Manik! Be very careful this is thr only chance you have."she cleared her throat andd trudged back to Medha's room. I stood for a while thinking of all the possibilities where i could bump into Nandini and get her to meet Medha and then walked back to Medha.

What do all these people think of themselves. Even Nyonika mom. How could she. She called me her daughter and she was pacifying Manik, defending him for his second girlfriend. And what kind of a man is he? Can love two people but not his own wife. Why did I ever love this man! And Alya what and why was she telling me all that. She said he still loves me but if he did then what about the sick girl at his place? Wait. Is he playing with her because he couldn't get me or Alya? No Manik can't do that.
My tears had dried as the I clung to the open window while the driver drove fast enough for the wind to hit my face roughly. The weather was good but it was getting hard for me to breathe. My eyelids were heavy from all the crying and I wanted to shut my eyes and my brain out of all the questions that ran through my mind. My mind seemed as clouded as the sky outside, only that the clouds in my mind were made of questions and only questions. The only similarity between the clouds in the sky and the clouds in my head was, if they broke it'll lead to rain and i didn't want to cry anymore. I couldn't handle all of this at once.  There was alot.. alot of what was going inside my head.. alot of what I didn't want to think about.. alot of what didn't make complete sense and alot of what i couldn't help but agree as the things were getting pictured. It was getting messier and i could feel my eyes well up again and my head felt like it could blast any moment if i cried anymore. A slow exhaustion coursed through my body faster than a disease and i fluttered my eyelids, trying hard to keep them open. A wave of calmness started engulfing me before i could realise and gradually i shifted into what i could call a not-so-peaceful slumber.

Sorry for the extremely late and small update! I'm having a severe writer's block at the moment! But i promise I'll continue writing and the next would be a big and exciting chapter! Till then have an insight! :)

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