Chapter 5: A new day

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I woke up on the stage...I looked around and saw Brian on one end and Feedrick on the other...I seen the cupcake in one of my hands, I wanted to cry and scream for my mom and I thought that this was just all a dream "Yeah" I thought "Maybe I am dreaming...maybe when I wake up...I'm at home, mom is making me breakfast and I'm all snuggled up in my bed still asleep"...but then I realized...This wasn't a dream, it was actually real. I didn't realize I was crying until I seen oil drip down at my feet on the floor, I wiped off my cheeks and then I heard someone coming I quickly powered off so they couldn't see I was active. I heard them discussing about the murderer, the purple guy who killed us...I wanted 2 scream for help but they probably couldn't hear me, then I heard them say something about us getting fixed and rewired..."What dose he mean by rewired" I thought to myself...I hoped I wasn't going to get scrapped...I only feared the worst now. A few minutes later I heard them walk out then the lights went out and it was dark, I heard noise at the doors. A man who from my angel looked like his name was Jeremy Schmidt he opened the doors and kids came pouring and piling in, then before I knew it I was active but...I wasn't my normal self...I was waving and was programing me then I looked side to side and I seen Fredrick was talking as well and Brian was playing his guitar for the kids I looked over at pirates Cove and seen Alex was out and he had a pirate voice and the kids loved him, they loved all of us...but only if they knew that we were kids...Just like them, finally when it was all over and the sun was setting all the kids left and we were all standing there, deactivated...I seen Jeremy was cleaning up the place then a few minutes later he left, and we were all alone ready to start the day again and again and again, but something made me feel like one of these days is going to change and that something bad is going to happen, I thought nothing of it and hoped that I was wrong.

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