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jimin sat upright, in complete fear

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jimin sat upright, in complete fear. His fragile body was covered in sweat, his eyes blurred as he looked around, shaking. his cheeks were stained with his tears, a fresh set pouring out of his eyes.  he went through endless torture, his nightmares becoming more real than they ever have before.  he forgot to take his pills. this mistake ruined him.

he saw her again.

the younger fluttered his eyes open, his gaze moving on the trembling figure besides him. slowly sitting up, jungkook takes a better look at the older. jimin was crying. not only that, he seemed terrified.

"j-jimin?" he whispered softly, reaching to gently touch his shoulder. as his finger brushed the older's shoulder, jungkook felt his heart sink as jimin turned to look at him.

his hair stuck to his face from sweat, eyes red, tears running down his distressed face. his plump lips were parted, and he was breathing heavily. jimin looked broken. softly shaking his head, he pulled the bed covers off of him, getting off the bed, running out of the bedroom. jungkook was left in confusion, anxiety filling him as seconds later, he heard a door slam.
three hours later, jimin still wasn't back.

jungkook didn't know what to do. running his fingers through his messy hair, he sighed and walked out of the apartment, going to work. he felt awful for not going after jimin but he wanted to give him space. it was heavily snowing now, jungkook grew more worried by the second. reaching to pull his beanie tighter over his head, the wind started getting more violent and strong.
taking deep breaths, jungkook made his way by a path towards the cafe. pushing the door, the scent of coffee beans filled his nose, visibly making him more comfortable.

it was quiet at this hour in the cafe, only a couple of people here and there. jungkook noticed an old couple, having their breakfast, they were smiling and talking, making him feel calmer.

jungkook made his way towards the aprons and struggled to tie it around him. he felt a pair of hands take the strings, making him slightly jump. the hands tied the strings neatly into a little bow, lingering for a few seconds before removing them.

the younger turned around, facing the shorter boy. surprise was evident on jungkooks face as he saw jimin, the tip of his nose red and his cheeks a faint pink.

without saying a word, jimin went into jungkooks arms, whispering apologies.
jungkook tightened his arms around the latter, rubbing his hand softly on jimins back.

"what happened?"

i'm so sorry it took long to update, i've had a lot to do and have been struggling to word what i wanted to write, i hope this is okay ♥︎

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