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-jungkook was still unaware of why jimin was so afraid

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jungkook was still unaware of why jimin was so afraid.

he wondered why such an innocent, beautiful person such as him was so hurt.

what secrets does jimin have?
jimin spent the whole day with jungkook in the cafe, helping out and refusing to take a break. jungkook noticed how jimin looked almost guilty of his actions from the morning. a little piece of his heart broke for the selfless boy, he shouldn't have to feel this way.

it was now 7o'clock and the cafe seemed to have quietened down a lot. jimin was seated on a table, head in arms, softly snoring.

he was completely exhausted from this morning, and from working all day.
jungkook smiled as he noticed the sleeping boy whilst he was mopping the floor.

setting the mop back in its place, jungkook walked towards the older and gently shook him awake.

"jimin" he whispered. "jimin we've got to go home now"

slowly raising his head, jimin's eyes met the youngers. he gave him a small smile and nodded, standing up.
brushing his messy hair away from his face, jungkook picked up his bag and held his coat, gesturing jimin to take it, making the latter gave him a confused look.

"take it, you'll be cold" the raven haired boy said, placing it in the older's arms.
"what about you?" jimin asked, sleepiness still evident in his voice.
"i'm warm from all the work anyway" jungkook lied, giving jimin a big smile.
his nose was scrunched up as he smiled, making the latters heart swoon.

"if you're sure" jimin mumbled, putting his arms in the youngers coat, and finally adjusting it. the coat was slightly too long on jimin making him giggle as he played with the ends of the coat.

jungkook smiled to himself, walking towards the door and opening it, inviting the crisp, winter air, patiently waiting for the short boy to walk out of the cafe.

closing the door behind him, jungkook sighs happily.


i'm really sorry for being so bad with updates, and also for the very short chapter, a lot had been happening in my life and on top of that my creativity has droppeddd, i will try and make it quite long next time :3

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