The first kill

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Justin came home and walked around his room, his new house and room. He found what would change his identity, a black coat. A brown cap, a white plain mask and a curved dagger. The murder weapon. Putting his new attire on he grinned and chuckled, putting on the mask last and used his 'good' senses.

"Ohhh yeah, I am going to get it on tonight!" Nick sang listening to some Snoop Dogg "This date is gonna be done with a little suprise..." Nick also sang, grinning into a mirror

Justin heard him and entered through the back door and did his best to sneak around. Making alot of noise, causing Nick to stop dancing and walked downstairs.

"Anyone there!?" Nick said with brass knuckles, "You better leave right now!" Nick yelled at Justin not knowing his capabilities. So Justin had his dagger up as Nick came into the living room.

"You little twat!" Nick said throwing a left hand at Justin, Justin took the hit like a champ. As he stumbled around trying to find Nick, Nick tip toed to the kitchen but slipped. Justin heard this as Nick got up, Justin stabbed him in the chest near the heart. Nick yelled in agony, with Justin hearing this. He shoved the dagger deep enough to penetrate the heart. Nick fell on a wall and Justin removed the dagger, after that he wrote in Nick's blood 'I am The Boogeyman'

Detective Olson, a tan male with brown eyes and red hair, like Justin's except, Justin's hair was blood red. "Sir." An officer said to the detective as he entered the house. Not much evidence was found of Nick Feller's murder. Olson entered where the murder was taken place, the officer told him, "We found this message by his killer." The cop said, Olson read it aloud "I am The Boogeyman?" Olson said looking at the now dry blood "Load up the body to analyse. Also someone analyze this message..." Olson said to everyone, Olson was still looking around and found another detective, detective Davids walked up to Olson.

"Hey sir I-" Davids was stabbed in the chest by Olson with a cleaver "I know who you are....and no one will find out!" Injuring him and, he didn't remember any of the details of the assault

Justin then trained himself to use his senses better "It is time for revenge...." Justin said grinning and leaving with his dagger.

Justin, The Boogeyman (Inspired by Stephen King and CPs)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang