Is this a nightmare?

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"I remember seeing him in his mask....he cut a smile into my closet wall and said, I am coming for you Richard. I got so scared I went to sleep and feared my self and my actions." Richard told detective Olson "Alright sir. We will investigate your housing." Olson said getting up, putting his pen and pad down and whispered to himself, "Be afraid Boogeyman, be afraid." He then shooed Richard and he got up running out the door, and out of the police station. And he saw Justin walking down a path and that is how Richard became insane.

Richard was going to take out the trash when he saw his girlfriend Natalia, dead, her head split in two. Richard yelled "Natalia!" And looked behind him and saw Justin.

"Ello." Justin said grinning and went to stab Richard but Richard dodged him and ran to his apartment with Justin hot on his trail, Justin saw a building pipe thing he grabbed it and ran.

Richard opened the door to a man called Henry's apartment he said, "What are you doing in my home!?" Henry said getting up and Richard said "Sir, there is a killer after me." And before Henry could say anything Justin stabbed him with the pipe through the door "This....prank..isn't, funny." Henry said before collapsing. Justin and Richard got into a good ol fashion fist fight, Justin falling through a table, Richard hitting his head on a lamp.

Justin then grabbed the pipe to stab Richard but, he threw the pipe into a pool where it stuck to the bottom, they got into a fight once again where, Justin went to push Richard but Richard grabbed him and threw him, unfortunately for him. He also fell, they went falling and went through this glass thing into the pool.

Justin got out of the pool holding his arm as it was bleeding from a glass shard. Justin looked into the pool and saw Richard stuck on the pipe as he struggled for air. Trying to escape from the pipe but, he died from drowing and blood loss, with his struggles the pipe was lifted once he died. Justin was nowhere to be seen.

Just like all murders is was the next day that the murders were discovered, "Look around carefully! And search the three bodies for any evidence and look into their apartments for anything as well!" Olson said and Shawn came up asking " this all a nightmare?" Shawn asked and Olson hoping it wasn't pushed Shawn into the deep end of the pool and walked away, "This...this is as real as it gets..."

Justin, The Boogeyman (Inspired by Stephen King and CPs)Where stories live. Discover now