A drug kill

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It was near midnight as Mat and and a druggie entered an alley way. The ally way was in between apartments.

"So???" The druggie asked twitching at Matt. Matt looked around and blew some smoke in the druggie's face and grabbed a bag putting it on a nearby dumpster.

"Yup, I got it. You got the money?" Matt asked opening up the bag and having two shots for him and the druggie, and the druggie who's name is Darek gave Matt a few hundred dollars and Matt chuckled

"Thanks..." Matt said, giving Darek the shots which is heroin. An Justin approached the alley way with dagger in hand, and in front of Matt's car.

"Who tf is he?" Matt asked looking at Justin "Why do you think I know?" Darek replied looked at Justin and at Matt.

Justin broke the car window and grabbed a glass shard and threw it into Darek's eye as he looked at Matt with blood splattering everywhere and fell down as Justin grabbed Matt's crowbar and bashed his head in and somehow, Matt still lived with cigarette in mouth stil asking, "W-why?" Matt asked weak. Justin chuckled and said "Revenge..." Justin then grabbed his cigarette and put it in his now exposed brain, causing Matt to yell in terror and agony not killing him, Justin grabbed a rope and walked up the fire escape dragging both bodies with Matt screaming "Let me go! Let me go please! I'm sorry!" Matt screamed and Justin put the rope on Darek's neck first and threw him over the edge hanging him. He then grabbed Matt and put the rope on his neck "Please. Sir, I'll do anything. Just please don't kill mACK!" Matt said as Justin hung him saying "Nobody is sorry, as nothing can he forgiven. Smoker." Justin said walking away into the night.

Olson walked into the alley way and looked up "Obvious, its this Boogeyman fellow. Same with the last murder." Olson said and a officer Lewis saw the drug bag and said, "Sir. You might wanna see this." Lewis said and Olson approached the bag "Heroin..." Olson said and looked at the bodies and saw Matt "One of them is a teenager sir!" Officer Shawn said. "Looks like our local Boogeyman killed some druggies for us." Olson said lighting a cig and walking to his car, "Everyone I want this whole crime scene gone! Get the car. Get the bodies, the drug bag. Gather any evidence you can find!" Olson ordered as he drove away, as Justin walked by and smiled at his work and walked away.

Justin, The Boogeyman (Inspired by Stephen King and CPs)Where stories live. Discover now