Chapter 2

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The Raven and the Wraith
Chapter 2

"So what did you do that's there a price on your capture?"

I sighed, expecting that question but knowing my answer wasn't likely to be accepted.

"I happened to be taking a midnight stroll along the top of the inner wall around the royal garden and found Genevieve in a struggle with two attackers. I saved her, then left. She was full of questions, but I...didn't want to answer them. But I will swear on my blood right now, if you wish, that I wasn't there for any wrongdoing. I was simply curious about the...the power I could feel flaring bright in the gardens every night for the last few weeks. Apparently others were able to detect that power and were also curious, but they came to take it, not learn about it."

Tad blew out a breath, his bushy eyebrows trying to climb to the top of his head. "You happened to be strolling along the INNER wall around the royal gardens?! Do you have any idea how many wards and spells guard that area?! What...ok, how?"

I shifted on my feet, not comfortable with how this conversation was going. Tad was altogether too curious and knowledgeable when it came to matters of magic. I had not expected this, had assumed he was just another merchant.

I opened my mouth to reply, then caught subtle movement from the corner of my eye. I could see Tad tracking my gaze, I could tell he also noticed the seven black cats sitting in the opening of a nearby alley, watching me intently. I turned back to him, keeping my expression bland.

"So will you hire me, or not? I know your caravan leaves midday today, so you must have pressing matters to attend before then."

Tad looked pointedly at the cats, then back at me, lifting one eyebrow comically high.

"So we're just going to ignore the seven black cats who are intently staring at you?"

I sighed. This was turning into a steaming puddle of goat excrement.

"Remember who Genevieve is." I said flatly.

Tad thought about that for a moment. He obviously understood that she would likely employ animals as spies, to help her find me. Then he looked at me with a huge grin.

"Ok! You can come with us as a hunter." He said cheerfully.

"Just like that? After all that you know about me?" I couldn't help but be suspicious. Was he planning on bringing me in and claiming the reward?

"Boy, I make enough gold each month that I don't need that paltry reward. Besides, I've heard that if one does get the attention of either the royal magician OR his daughter, they may find fate smiling on them. Provided they don't get the wrong kind of attention, of course."

I shifted slightly, putting Tads wagon between me and the cats, unnerved by their unrelenting stares.

Tad was confusing to me. Did he or did he not understand the possible risks with helping me escape the city?

"'re going to help me get away from Genevieve and you think fate will smile on you?" I said slowly.

Tad looked quite smug as he nodded at me. He glanced back at the cats, then back at me, his expression still pleased, despite their unusual presence and stillness.

"Yup. Genevieve is sixteen years old. And she isn't dating anyone, according to the rumors. So I think, and this is just my overactive imagination here, that Genevieve simply wants to talk to you. Which is why the flyers explicitly state "for his safe capture and return"

I blinked, then looked away, my thoughts tumbling all over. Why had I chosen the sharpest, most astute merchant to ask for a ride out of the city?

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