Chapter 21

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The Wraith
Chapter 21

I turned back towards my hometown city. I could scent it on the evening air. It seethed with a thousand scents, so complex and unique that it had become it's very own scent. Home. So familiar it hurt.

I could see that the stream of people coming and going past the outer walls was a dwindling trickle. Once night fell, the gates would shut and those on the outside who hadn't made it in time would have to camp along the wall, under the protective, watchful eyes of the guards who prowled along the top of the wall. And those on the inside who were trying to leave, to perhaps make it back to their farms, would have to either sleep on the streets or find an inn. Because once the gates shut, they did not open except for a Royal Order.

I gauged the setting sun against the distance between me and the gates. If I ran hard, I might make it.

I threw myself into motion, sprinting down the grassy hillside, my eyes fastened on the guards who patrolled the incoming crowds. They were on horseback, and I knew when they turned and wheeled their way back into the city, the gates would begin to shut. I ran, enjoying the speed, enjoying the sensation of springy strength in my legs, as if I could leap high at any moment.

Then the outer guards turned their horses and began to gallop back towards the gates. I narrowed my eyes and pushed myself harder, barreling down the hill, moving faster than I could remember ever having ran, even faster than I had ran through the Shadowfall.

The last guard galloped through and the huge, black iron gates began to slowly swing shut, accompanied by the creaking of the pulley system as the guards cranked the levers. I knew I wasn't going to make it and slowed to a walk as I approached the gates, just as they clanged shut.

There was always a captain there for the first ten minutes after the gate was shut, to hear any requests to open them back up. The one on duty tonight spotted me and waved me closer.

"That's some impressive speed ya got there, boy. Wasn't fast enough, but it was a worthy effort. If you want a job as a runner boy, come see me in the captains quarters tomorrow."

His voice was familiar. Then I saw it was Rodney. A friend of mine from years ago. I smiled at him and he peered closer at me.

"Rahvin! You're back!" He exclaimed loudly.

"Yeah. And could you perhaps not announce that at Earth-shaking volume. It's best if your partners-in-idiocy don't hear that I'm back..."

"Oh ya. Sorry. Where were you? Did you know Genevieve raised the price for your "safe capture and delivery to her" to FIVE HUNDRED Crowns?! What on earth have you done this time??"

I snorted in stunned disbelief at that. Five hundred Crowns, or five hundred solid gold coins, was such a fortune it was unimaginable.

"She's just crazy." I muttered.

Rodney chuckled. "Yeah. I think she's crazy. Crazy for you! I don't think she ever forgot about you, since you were both on Crael Crest together..."

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. With a fortune like that posted on me, I knew there would be an endless amount of bounty hunters after me. Idiots that could only be encouraged to leave me alone by judiciously applied blunt force trauma.

"Well, I'm actually back because I'm going to go see her. Preferably on my own two legs, at my own discretion, not carried in a sack like a prize. Could you perhaps tell your runners to spread the word amongst the City Guard to let me move as I will?"

Rodney nodded, but I could see his doubtful expression. I know what he was going to say before he said it.

"Yes, yes, I know. Most of your cohorts hate me and would very readily just try to capture me for the reward. But I know some of the City Guard have their own twisted sense of honor and will follow your orders."

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