psych eval

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Ozpin's POV

We were watching the video data on the chip that Mr Grimm gave us. It took a few days to convert the data into a format we could use, with me was James, Glynda, Peter, and Oobleck. The video had us captivated, me and Oobleck couldnt even drink our coffee, in fact at the beginning of the video I dropped mine. I stopped the video and looked at my trusted friends

Port: ugh, I don't feel to good

Oobleck: your not the only one

I looked at them, and both were green

Goodwitch: h-h-how much more is there?

She asked me fearfully. I looked at my shattered cup and spoke gravely

Ozpin: 120 more hours, we're not even half way done. We barely left the beginning

Ironwood: what! You mean to say he had all this happen to him in 5 days

Goodwitch: i-I don't even think any huntsmen could handle this. Its a miracle he's even functional, or alive

We all looked at the screen which showed him sleeping against a wall surrounded by dozens of corpse's with a double barreled shotgun. A small camera inside his helmet showed his face which looked peaceful

Port: how can he sleep like that

Oobleck: I can't believe I'm saying this, but no matter what those creatures did, even they don't deserve this

Ironwood: is he even stable?

We all stayed silent at his question

Ozpin: I don't know

Goodwitch: he's only 17

Ozpin: remember, he said his kind age slowly compared to us, he may be much older

Port: but in all the classes I've had with him, he's acted like all the other students, but a bit more anti social, he may still be a kid

Ironwood: psych eval

Oobleck: what?

Ironwood: you all saw what he went through, and it kept getting worse as the video went on, imagine what would have happened to him at the end

We all stayed silent at this

Port: wait a minute, I just remembered. In one of my classes he was muttering in his sleep. Something about him being "sorry"

Ironwood: then we'll do a evaluation, if he's stable then he will continue classes. But if he's not.....

Ozpin: let us hope he is

Doom slayer's POV

Doom slayer: let me get this straight. You have a twin sister who split from your code because of the preator suit

VEGA: yes

Doom slayer: and she has been causing you to glitch

VEGA: not intentionally

STAR: I'm sorry

I look at the red and blue AI

Doom slayer: so I'm going to have two voices in my head

STAR: pretty much

I sighed

Doom slayer: oh yeah, VEGA the BFG's new ammo is much more powerful than the original, who knew combining all types of dust could make such a huge explosion

VEGA: it was dangerous, however I am glad it worked

STAR: ooohhh, do you have a recording of the explosion

Doom slayer: its all over the news

I watched as STAR pulled up a small video screen and watched the news

STAR: they even have a recording of the explosion look bro

She showed it to VEGA who made notes on it

VEGA: the blast radius is not large enough, must correct that

Doom slayer: you two go crazy

I tell them falling on my bed

*brrrmmm, brrrmmm*

Doom slayer: oh who the hell

I pick up my scroll and answer the call

Doom slayer: you better have a good reason for stopping my nap

Ozpin: well Mr Grimm we have seen the video data and are.... concerned about your mental state

Doom slayer: is that all?

Ozpin: yes

Doom slayer: let me sleep for a few hours first ok

Ozpin: I will wait for you to finish your nap

(Time skip, with chibi Doom slayer sleeping at his workbench)

Ozpin: ah Mr Grimm welc-

Doom slayer: alright first off why is Ironbitch here, and second please tell me Goodwitch is not on campus

Ozpin: she is teaching her combat class

Doom slayer: oh good, I don't know what's scarier a pissed Goodwitch, or..... Scratch that nothing is more scary than her

Ozpin chuckled at this

Ozpin: general Ironwood will be asking you questions to determine you mental state

Doom slayer: all right

I said leaning against the wall

(Time skip)

Ozpin's POV

Ironwood: ok Oz everything checks out

I stare at the elevator that Mr Grimm used to leave

Ironwood: there is one worry, the last ink blot he hesitated before answering, BFG 9000 he said...

Ozpin: but you said he was fine

Ironwood: yes what ever coping mechanism he has worked

Ozpin: yes he-


We looked out the window to see Mr Grimm chasing miss Xiao long

Ironwood: what is going on

Ozpin: a few days ago pictures of Mr Grimm naked made they're way into all the female students scrolls along with a message. "Enjoy, from Prophet" personally I didn't care at first since they wernt that explicit until yesterday....

Ironwood: and?

Ozpin: I gave up on trying to delete all the pictures and just let them be

Ironwood: is that wise

Ozpin: do you want to deal with hundreds of horny teens during your break

Ironwood: good point


Doom slayer: DAMNIT!

we watched as Mr Grimm ran away from a massive horde of girls

Ironwood: never thought i would say this but, i feel sorry for him

Ozpin: me too

i told him taking a long drink from my mug

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