Unsaid Feeling #61

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Chemical Bonding

The force to hold atoms together
A bonding where it starts to gather
Some say it's like a tether
Wherein it compares to a chain that stays together

Designate the negatively charged particles, anion
And the positively charged cation
As they form an ionic bond like gaining a companion
But bethink that this is not only limited to the ions

Use the octet rule to attain stability
Then you'll see the chemical bonding's ability
Apply the duet rule for tranquility
Explore the lesson and learn the probabilities

There is an attraction within the different charges
Just like two divergent people that makes this universe balanced the furthest
Yes you may say this so far has been the hardest
But worry not, for you learned a lot which was everyone's target

One might argue that the valence electron is crucial
But the most essential thing is to be perusal
Upon studying believe in yourself, be fiducial
Even if the terms are sometimes unusual

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