Unnecessary Royalty

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It all happened about a week ago: I had to protect Marinette from some villain, whose name I've probably forgotten.  After that first visit, Marinette showed me her world.  She was not only that girl, who's always shy and kind.  Apparently, she had a sassy side too.  The way she acts, hands on her hips; and talking in an "whatever" tone.  The way she talks, "I can handle this on my own."; "I've been through much worse than this."; "Thanks, I guess."   Call me crazy, but I think she acts like M'lady.  Could she...No.  She couldn't.  But then again, I think I'm starting to slip, and fall hor her.

*Le Time Skip*

I jumped, swiftly accross the tall Parisan buildings.  It felt nice; feeling the wind in your hair, as you freely jump from roof to roof.  As I decided to take a break.  I sat down on a hard, cold roof.  I decided to take a large, long look at Paris, until my eyes rested upon a certain building.  I smiled as I saw a certain blue-haired girl scribbling something in a book.  I decided to drop by, you know, to say "Hi.".  I got up, and leaped accross the large roofs.  As I got closer, I started to smell something sweet.  I kept leaping, until I sat on the railing of her balcony.  Before, I got a chance to greet her, she greeted me first.

"Bonjour, Chat."  Marinette said, looking up from her book.  Or sketchbook.  "Do you need anything?"  She said, almost sarcastically.  I chucked.

"Mew-ouch!"  I said dramatically, placing my right hand on my heart.  "Your powerful, protective, and handsome knight has come."  Marinette rolled her eyes, making me smile.  "You should be honored to have such privilages."  By now, I looked like an idiot, trying to receite one of Shakspear's works.

"Privilages?"  Marinette raised an eyebrow.  "Since when did we consider your stupid puns and jokes a privilage?"  Marinette asked sarcastically, which I found utterly adorable.

"Oh, I've almost forgotten something."  I said as I got down on one knee, and kissed her soft knuckles.  "Purrincess."

"And since when did you consider me a 'purrincess'?"  We both laughed.

"Since when I saw you as one."  I said, getting up.  I saw rosy tints dusting her face as I got closer to her.  My work here is done.

"Well, Purrincess,"  I said, turning away.  "I must now depart, to my own quarters."  I said dramatically, again.

"You and your dumb dramaticness."  Marinette giggled, as I leaped away from her house.  Or should I say, castle.

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