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I adjusted the five pots of plants, as the midday sun burned on my shoulders and my head.  However, the sun was not bringing the cool temperature any higher.  But the sun warmed up my sweater, jeans, and boots; which, of course, kept me warm.  I exhaled, watching my breath leave my mouth in the form of a smoky fog.  Once more, I stepped back to see whether or not the pots were evenly spaced.  I couldn't tell, so I asked Tikki for some assistance.

"I think that they're even."  Tikki said, tilting her head to the left.  "Well, that fifth one is a little too close to the fourth one over there."  She pointed to the fifth pot of camellias (One of my plants that could survive the cold winter.), as I went to go push it farther to the right.

"Better?"  I asked.  Tikki tilted her head to the right.  

"Umm."  Tikki mumbled as she decided.  "Yes, that's more like it."  She hovered back to my bedroom, where it was warm. 

For the rest of the afternoon, I redecorated my balcony, because the seasons were changing slowly.  I took down most of the pillows, lawn chairs, Chinese lanterns, and other things that had to do with summer.  I went inside, to the corners of my bedroom, and seared for more Christmas flashing lights.  Once I found the box of lights, I decided to hang most of it up.  However, since the task seemed too difficult to do alone, I asked Tikki for help once more.


I sat on my bed, admiring my work outside my balcony as I watch some American cartoons with French subtitles.  For a minute, everything seemed so perfect: Me finally getting some peace; watching cartoons with French subtitles, for educational purposes; and snacking on some sweets while I'm at it.  Then, I heard knocking on my balcony door, but in rhythm.  Chat Noir.  I quickly paused the cartoon, threw my phone to the corner of my bed, and rushed down to my balcony.  As soon as I got down, I quickly grabbed my jacket, and rushed out to the balcony.  And there he was: Hands on the railing, and shivering.

"Chat!"  He turned around.  "What the hell  are you doing here?"  He shrugged.  "It's freaking twenty degrees!  Quick!  Get inside."  I grabbed his hand, and pulled him inside.  As soon as we got inside, we sat down on the floor.

"I'm sorry."  Chat apologized, looking down.  "It's just that this place has became a safe haven for me."  My gut twisted into French braids, like the ones I wore this afternoon.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."  He looked up.  "I really didn't know and-"  

"It wasn't your fault."  We made eye-contact.  "You had no idea, anyways."  

"It's really cold outside, so I basically over-reacted."  I explained.  "Oh mon dieu."  I touched his cheek, as it coldness sent ice through my fingers.  "You are cold."  

"So is my dad, but it doesn't matter."  He sighed.

"Wait here."  I walked to the trapdoor.  "We'll talk about this later; but right now, I have to warm you up."  Somehow, before closing my door, I heard him mutter.

"That sounded so wrong."  I ignored it.

When I got downstairs, my parents were watching the late-night TV.  I carefully snuck some hot chocolate quietly, and carefully went back upstairs; without making a single sound, as my parents glued their eyes to the TV.

"I'm back."  I said, as I carefully closed the door.  Chat was reading one of my books, while I handed him the hot mug.  "Here.  To keep you warm."  

"Thanks, Princess."  He took a small sip, but his eyes watered because of the heat.  "Sweet and hot.  Just how I like it."  I giggled, knowing that what he just said was intentional.

"As if that didn't sound wrong."  I said, as I left my mug to the side; cooling it down.  "If it is invading your privacy, tell me.  But what happened between you and your father?"  I tried to ignore the heat, growing in my stomach as I spoke.  Dammit.

"He basically called me names."  Chat said.  "Well, names that a parent shouldn't be calling their children."  I sighed, as my fingers wrapped around the handle of my pink mug.  I took a small sip of the hot chocolate.

"If you don't mind, what 'names' does your father call you?"  He looked down, but then made eye-contact with me again.

"Let's see; there's 'Pain in the Ass', 'A Disappointment', and many more that are ten times worse."  He put his mug aside.  "As if he doesn't care about his  child's feelings."  He sighed, refusing eye-contact for a moment.  "But I've learned how to get used to it.  Now, I really don't care about it anymore."

"Does he know that what he's doing might affect a child's behavior?"  I asked, sounding nerdy.

"It already affected me."  Chat said.  "In both positive ways and negative ways."

"I'm really sorry."  I said, trying to make him feel better.  "Honestly."

"Like I said before,"  Chat sighed.  "It is not your fault, so you shouldn't be apologizing."  He looked as if he was going to "collapse" with sadness any minute now.

"Come here."  I held me arms opened and wide.  Indeed, he came rushing and nearly tackled me with a hug.  "Chat, don't worry.  In the end, everything will be okay."

"Dieu, I'm so weak."  Me mumbled into my shoulders.

"Accepting hugs doesn't show you how weak you are."  I said, still hugging him.  "It just shows that the person who gave the hug cares."  He hugged tighter, as a cloud of warmth began to circle around us.

Everything was so perfect now.

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