Chapter 1: 'Father' and 'Son'

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Came up with this idea in my sociology class.

The sun was dimming down for the cool October evening while the wind blew through the trees on another day in 2020. Fields of wheat and corn as far as the eye could see lay on both sides of the black highway. Hills with trees full of apples and other mouth-watering fruits watched as the fast-moving clouds of pollution rolled on wheels down the black straight road. Those who could live within the clouds were talking on cell phones, playing with their cars touch screens, or applying appearances to their plain faces. Everyone was in a hurry down the road, except for the two humans in one black SUV with tinted windows. The driver was an older man in his 50s with graying blond hair and fading blue eyes. His wrinkled face was pulled in a smile while a toothpick was pulled halfway out of his mouth, resting against his lips. He sat straight against the gray seat with a denim jacket over his black t-shirt. In reality he was dressed causally with blue jeans and working boots too. In the passenger seat however was a darker being. A young white man of 19 sat in his black leather vest. Under the vest was a black and gray dress shirt for which the young man crossed his arms over. His pants gray and looking worn-out, but were jeans as well covering over his dark hiking boots. His pale face was emotionless looking out the passenger side window at the fields. His eyes of dark green never moving around, as if he were asleep with his eyes open. His brown hair was growing lightly after his last month's buzz cut. His seating was average, until they hit the entrance of the city, at which point the young man straightened up more and turned his attention out the windshield.

The outside environment of the SUV was another gleaming white city with crystal clear buildings. On the edge of the city sat a beautiful view of the lake. Just another perfect little city in the United States. Even the people walking on the sidewalks of cracking gray were prefect in their business suits and dresses. Clean shaven, appropriate amount of makeup, fixed hair, nothing out of place.

The older male slightly turned his head with a glowing smile toward the younger man. He spoke with a Southern accent from Georgia asking, "What do ya think?"

"The buildings are clean to take viewing away from the filthy business taking place inside. Everyone is breathing through their noises, no doubt from the years of pollution." He looked to his window button, thinking for a moment to let it down, before dismissing the thought. His accent was far different than the older man's as his was similar to that heard in the Northern States. His statement caused a chuckle out of the driver while he shook his head lightly stopping to a red light in front of a court house. Standing on the edge of the gray stairs which were darkening over the years, stood a group of men in fresh suits, laughing. The driver took out the toothpick and pointed to the men, "What do ya think bout them?" This caused the youth to turn his head in the direction of the men, again answering with little emotion.

"The older one with pepper hair keeps looking at his watch and his wedding ring. He knows he has time to go meet his mistress before heading home to his wife. The three younger ones are fresh out of law school." Again this caused a large smile on the older man who placed the toothpick back in his mouth before driving down the left road. The young man finally looked to his elder. "Was one of those men our target, Father?"

"No, only wanted to see what ya would say."

"Then who is our target?"

"Patience Dmitri, my boy. I will tell ya when we get to HQ, where the rest of the Team is waiting."

"I told you before I am old enough to handle a mission myself."

"And I told ya, a war is not won with one man. Ya need help, even if it just be computer hacking by Zoey, ya need help." Dmitri said nothing, looking back out the window while Father looked at him with concern. "I angered ya. Hurt ya ego didn't I? I am sorry Dmitri, but I did not create this team for the average boy and girl, nor did I create this team for egotistical people to perform assassinations by themselves." The old man took a breath to look at Dmitri, and to realize what he said. "Sounds horrible doesn't it?"

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