Chapter 4: The Right to Work with Fear

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Trent yawned into his left hand while the right held tightly to the steering wheel. The driving from Chicago to their mission in San Francisco, California would only take a day and 7 hours by car, but they were going to make a pit stop real quick. Trent pulled off the I-80 near a shack-like rest stop. Dmitri was sitting in the passenger seat and looked out at the stop. He and Trent got out of the car and switched seats as Trent needed some sleep and Dmitri took a nap two hours ago. Trent told Dmitri to stay with Lucas, who was asleep in the backseat, while he went to the restroom. By the time he was gone Dmitri grabbed some food from the back and started to eat an apple waiting for Trent. It was late, about 11 at night, and Dmitri watched the interstate go by when his work cell went off. Holding the apple in his right hand he answered the cell in his left and placed it to his ear.


"Everything alright Dmitri, I see you are pulled over?" It was Zoey. It was about 1 or 2 in the morning for her and yet she was watching them. It wasn't like she was creeping up on them, it was Zoey's job to keep an eye on missions. Dmitri smiled behind his apple.

"Yes, we're fine. Trent had to go take a leek."

"Too much information." Zoey chuckled which caused the same in Dmitri. He always felt bubbly when Zoey was happy, and had a hard time hiding it.

"What are you doing up still?"

"Watching you guys take a leek."

"We are fine Zoey, and will be fine. This is a simple mission. Besides, we are not even going to kill the guy."

"Things can always happen."

"Look, we are big boys. Get some sleep, please. For my sake at least."

"Okay. Good night Dmitri."

"Night Zoey." Dmitri hung up the phone feeling a tightening in his chest. Someone's hand reached out and touched Dmitri's shoulder, causing him to freak out a short yelp."When are you going to tell Zoey you love her?" Dmitri glared at Lucas for scaring him and saying that even though he knew it was true. Everyone knew, Al was okay with the relationship, and they truly liked each other. Why couldn't Dmitri gain the backbone and tell his feelings to Zoey? He shook his head and ignored Lucas as Trent came up to the car. He entered and saw Lucas smiling at an uncomfortable Dmitri.

"Zoey call you?"

"Shut up and get to sleep." Trent brushed off Dmitri's command like he normally did unless it was truly serious. He laid his head against the seat and pushed back slightly to be placed on an angle for sleep. Lucas realizing a conversation with Dmitri was not going to happen fell to the back seats and curled up placing his head on the bottoms of the seats. Dmitri began driving back on the I-80 and continued till the sunrise was peeking up at 7 in the morning. It had been a full day by 6 in the morning. When it was 7, Trent took control of the car again for the last 7 hours to San Francisco.

"You guys ready?" Zoey sat in the Board Room with her work laptop of purple displaying many different screens and angles. One screen showed the roof where Dmitri was located, three others were located in the convention center, and two were traffic cams facing Trent and the outside. The two of the three that were in the center were on Senator Diller, the last one was facing Lucas' area to make sure he was safe. Al walked into the Board Room with coffee and watched as Zoey placed the screens on the larger wall screen. Sometimes the other team members would watch the missions, but since this was a simple harming not killing mission, they went about their lives.

"In position." Dmitri answered in and gave a thumbs up knowing he was being watched. He was dressed in a black skin-tight sweater and black jeans. His shoes were hiking boots of brown and he wore gloves to leave no marks on the gun. The weapon he held was a sniper rifle resting on a kick stand as Dmitri laid on his stomach looking through his scope.

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