Chapter 6: Boston

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The plane ride from Chicago to Boston, Massachusetts was not too bad for the four teenagers. Trent and Bruno sat next to each other and watched The Simpson's Movie. Trent sat in the window seat to take the fear of flying away from Bruno who has only flown twice before. Dmitri and Zoey had the seats in front of the boys. Zoey took the window seat, listening to pop music as she looked at the Great Lakes below them. Dmitri sat with bare ears reading 1984 by George Orwell. He was trying to calm himself as flying made him quiet uneasy. He was not afraid of heights or anything like that, it was more the fear of being surrounded by many people in a single confined area. The looks on people's faces made Dmitri worried. Not many cared about the teens as Dmitri and Al liked. Business and selfishness filled too many people for their eyes to turn with worry on four teenagers traveling alone. Luckily it had gotten better since Dmitri and Trent turned of age.

"Excuse us folks but due to mild storming in the area we will be detoured to fly over Albany. This will extend our flight by 20 minutes, thank you." Groans could be heard by many of the passengers, including Dmitri. His face went whiter at the thought of going through New York. Zoey took out her ear phones and turned to Dmitri.

"It will be okay, we are miles above the state. We will still be landing in Boston."

"I know. It's foolish to worry." Dmitri let out a sigh but smiled at Zoey. His plain lips curved down when Zoey turned back to the sky, her blue eyes so full of wonder. Dmitri felt happy to know he was not alone but he still could not shake the feelings of anxiety and fear. He closed his book and leaned his head back into the seat, closing his eyes.

"Get out now!" A little boy with dirty brown hair fled the living room of his home out to the backyard. Behind him was a white male with black hair in his mid 30s. He ran at the boy with a kitchen knife to scare him out. After the boy cleared the back porch the back door was shut and locked. The little child held himself as it was cold and drizzling, shaking from fear and the chill. He looked around but there was nothing for him to hid out in except a broken down dog house from when he had a dog four years before. He crawled inside, laying on his stomach as he watched the light rain fall. His eyes released tears as he wanted his mother to hold him. However, she was busy at the moment holding the male who chased him out. He figured he had about an hour to spend outside. His father would be home by then from visiting his mistress and the man in his home would have run off by then. Even after the man was long gone, the boy would not crawl to his mother or father, they were never that warm after those moments. Though they clearly showered, the boy found their mixed scents to be foul.

"Dmitri. Time to get off." Dmitri blinked his eyes open barely, rubbing them to see who was calling him. Green eyes met sapphires as he noticed Zoey was staring at him.

"Um, what?" "We have landed, we are in Boston. You took a nap." He stared at Zoey for moment. Her black silky hair was tied back in a tight ponytail, making her white skin seem thinner and more angelic. The glowing blue orbs showed concern for her friend as they matched her studded earrings. Her skin radiating against her black attire. Dmitri finally blinked again and nodded, standing up to get Zoey's smaller luggage from above their heads. Trent and Bruno exchanged looks with their female teammate, all understanding Dmitri was a little sluggish at the moment. They all looked like a group of shadows in their black clothes. The guys all looking the same with black jackets and pants. Zoey wore a black hoodie with a panda on the front, making sure her hood was down so as to not look suspicious.

After they got their light bags they exited the plane and entered into the busy airport, heading to retrieve their remaining suitcases. Airports were the worst for the Team. So many people, so many cameras, so many security officers. Dmitri and Trent watched with hawk eyes at all the exits and located where most of the cameras where. Zoey and Bruno held each others hands standing close to the two elder boys. They were in charge of the younger members and watched them like little children.

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