Chapter 17

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Harry's Pov

With my knees on the cool,hard ground I tugged my hair and bented forwards feeling disguise running through my veins.I felt like I had failed.Well,I had certainly failed οn a couple of things tonight but I couldn't clear out what the worst of them all was.Having failed on preventing Ivor from touching Evelyne?Having failed on keeping my distance from her?Having failed on making her see how much I cared?I didn't want to admit it,damnit,but I did.I fucking did!Probably because I had put her through hell since we'd met, probably because even though she was rich as fuck and she could have anything she had ever desired her life was a messed up shit like mine, probably because she was as broken as I was.
I was chasing her.I couldn't believe there would come a time when I'd chase the girl. Let alone I wouldn't catch her.

The moment she got up and rushed up to the door after a loud refusal ringing in my ears I felt everything inside me falling apart.I had no idea why I had pulled her close.I had no idea why I needed to know how she felt so badly. I had no idea about anything anymore.Thanks to her I felt lost and I hadn't felt like that since...since my father's death.For some weird reason when that girl was around the world looked even slightly better and it was like she could fill an empty part of my body like nobody had for years.And I needed to feel that to the fullest.

Looking over my shoulder to the door behind me I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding back for so long.She was gone and something didn't feel right with her gone.I was aware of the fact that no matter the inexplicable attraction I felt to her I had to have Jason's job done by the end of the following week and that meant in about 10 days.I didn't want to remember anything about death or murder because I simply didn't want to remind myself of being the reason of it.Maybe if I thought that I'd give to God another angel?Would that make that easier?

Evelyne Payne was here,she was still close and all I could think about was that I had to have her closer.I wanted that.I needed that.But I couldn't have it.Getting up I pushed off my pants the dust of the ground and turned around with my eyes on the door wondering what she had done to me.And for a moment...for a stupid moment I reminisced the night we had spent together.We didn't have sex or anything close to that yet the idea of us peacefully sleeping on the same bed with my arms protectively around her made me more excited than having sex with Anna Beatriz Barros which had been my greatest goal the last 5 years.

And then my eyes met the window of the room and by that they met her.She instantly froze and I could sense she had just held her breath because when she did the smooth up and down move of her chest stopped and her whole body seemed like it ran out of blood.Unlike her I felt everything inside me starting to function again, the Earth moving, life going on. I was willing to stay like that the whole night though I didn't know exactly why or I was just denying it once again.Her wearing a shirt made me instantly think how much hot she'd look in one of mine with her long hair stoking the cloth of it and her cheeks flashing in innocence and embarrassment because she would wear nothing underneath.My body instantly responded quickly to the thought. The young girl licked her bottom lip finally out of her frozen state and the sight caused my heart to begin drumming at the thought of the many different things I could do to that lip.I wasn't supposed to want her.Not that much.But I did and there was nothing I could do about that.

That was the moment I broke our eye-contact and turned around with a quick move going back to my car in such a speed that I didn't even have the time to think of looking back.But damn me,I did.The moment my hand touched the doorknob of the car door my head raised up finding purple curtains blocking the way of my eyes to her.She was nowhere to be found.So inhaling deeply I got in the car and rested my head back on the seat after closing the door.That night was crazy.I couldn't be near her for now so I'd go back to my apartment though I really knew that that would be a really long way home with my mind constantly fighting me.

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