Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

It was dark when they pulled up to the school and the lights inside were blazing, giving the imposing building a well needed, warm appearance.

Rogue grabbed her bag but paused by the car.

"You okay, cher?" Gambit asked, slipping his hand into hers.

Rogue nodded and pulled her hand away. She didn't want to hurt him but at the same time, she was painfully aware that Bobby was inside, and she didn't want to hurt him either.

"Come on," he placed his hand in the small of her back. "It won't get any easier the longer you stand here."

She took a deep breath but before she could take a step towards the mansion, the door opened and Storm came outside. She smiled at them, opening her arms and Rogue found herself running into her embrace.

"It's good to see you, Rogue."

Rogue was too choked up to reply.

"Come on inside," she said. "The children are eating so there's no one about." She smiled welcomingly at Remy and gestured for him to come too.

She guided them into her office, formerly Professor Xavier's office, and closed the door behind them.

"I'm Ororo Monroe," Storm said as she offered her hand to Remy.

"Remy LeBeau. Pleased to meet you."

"Would you like something to drink after your journey?"

"Maybe later," he hedged. "Rogue?"

Rogue shook her head. "How is he?" she asked Storm.

Ororo didn't need to ask who she meant. "Physically he's fine, completely recovered."

"And otherwise?"

She hesitated and looked over to Remy before replying. "He's hurt. He misses you and he doesn't understand why you left. He also has some… animosity towards your new… friend."

Remy didn't expect anything different. Rogue just nodded and looked down at her hands.

"Rogue, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like but we are short staffed at the moment and I will have to ask you to help out."

Rogue nodded, "I understand."

Storm turned to Remy. "And I make the same offer to you."

Remy smirked. "I'm not too sure my kind are welcome here."

Storm wasn't phased, she recognised his behaviour as defensive. "All mutants are welcome here, Remy."

"I wasn't talking about being a mutant, cher."

"I know. Logan has already checked you out. It isn't easy being a mutant in today's society and a lot of us have pasts we regret. We all have aspects of our lives we'd like to keep private and we'll respect yours, as long as you can respect our ways."

"You know all about me?" he couldn't believe they would be so welcoming if they really knew the truth.

"Logan was very thorough." Storm suppressed a smile. "But you have a clean slate here, what you choose to do with it is up to you."

"That's very generous of you." It sounded too good to be true, but it meant that he had time while Rogue made her choice. He would see if they actually lived up to their lofty ideals.

"Charles Xavier was a very generous man."

"Can I be of assistance while I'm here?" he asked. If Rogue had to earn her keep, presumably he did too.

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