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Kido and Momo had been hiding in the bush, watching what happened with Seto and Kano. Their eyes were widened as they looked at each other.

"When did this happen?" Momo whispered to Kido, who replied with a shrug. Momo jumped out of the bush when the two boys were out of sight. "Well?! What are we going to do about it?!" Momo shouted. "I mean, it's wrong isn't it?! Plus the fact that they could ruin their friendship!"

"If I knew better, I would think you like one of them." Kido stated as she stepped out of her hiding place, Momo have her a shocked look as her face heated up into a blush. Kido smiled sadly and chuckled. "Which one?" Kido asked, her intimidating stare obligating Momo to tell her leader.

"U-Umm... Seto." Momo looked down with a blush on her face. Kido nodded and walked away, Momo looked at her with a confused look and caught up. "What was that about?" Momo asked.

"I like Kano. I would have to kill you if you liked him too." Kido glared Momo who cringed at the thought of Kido killing her. "Now that I know you don't like him, you'll live. But Seto must die." Momo looked horrified as they followed the boys home. It sickened both girls to see how 'lovey dovey' the two boys were. Seto and Kano opened the door to see everyone in the living room doing their own thing except for Kido and Momo.

"Where's Kido?" Kano asked, not caring about where Momo was since she didn't live in the base with everyone else. Marry looked up from her book and shrugged at Kano, he was guessing that she was just out for a walk or something. After a couple minutes of waiting outside to not seem suspicious, Kido and Momo finally decided to go inside.

"I'm back." Kido said in her regular, monotone voice. Momo was following behind her, a shy look on her face. Kido slid her shoes off and padded over to the kitchen. To be honest, Momo thought she liked Kido, not Seto. She liked spending time with the green haired girl, even if it was spying on two of the other members of the Mekakushi Dan.

"Kido, what were you thinking to do?" Momo asked the green haired girl, who looked at her with nearly flaming angry eyes. Momo made an 'eep' sound and backed away to the other side of the room in fright.

"Seto will pay. Either that, or I'll make Kano mine." Kido nearly snarled, Kido was scaring Momo to the point she almost burst out into tears. On the other side of the wall, Seto was listening to the conversation between the two girls.

"So Kido likes Kano?" Seto murmured to himself, sadness in his eyes. He felt as if he had taken Kano away from the leader of the Mekakushi Dan, he was always between them. Such as their numbers in the group. Kido was number 1, Seto was number 2, then Kano was number 3. Kano wandered up behind Seto and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Is something wrong, Seto?" The cat-eyed boy asked, a worried expression on his face. "You look like you're about to cry." Seto shook his head, he didn't want to burden Kano with the knowlage of Kido liking him.


Later that night, everyone was in bed. Most people were fast asleep. Seto, however, was not. He sat up in his bed and sneaked over to his door, he left his room and silently padded over to Kano's room. Kano awoke to a gentle knock on the door, It had to be Seto. A smile spread across his face as he sleepily walked over to the door, unlatching it. Seto was standing in the hall of the Mekakushi Dan base outside Kano's room. Seto gave the sleepy deceiver a loving kiss, which woke him up instantly.

"Please don't tell me you came here to do that." Kano yawned and wrapped his arms around Seto's waist and nuzzled into his boyfriend's chest. Kano heard a soft chuckle from the dark haired boy.

"Of course not. I will wait until you are ready." Seto placed his hands on Kano's hips and kissed the top of his head. "I came over here because I couldn't sleep." Seto picked the blonde up bridal style and placed him back on the bed. Kano curled up under his blankets, holding Seto close to his face. "Sleep well, Kano." Seto brushed some of Kano's hair out of his beautiful face and drifted off to sleep.


Kano woke up with a yawn and realized he was holding on to Seto, the blonde smiled and poked Seto on the cheek. He didn't have a strange, scary, or sad dream last night. Seto woke up, his yellow-gold eyes were slightly glazed from just being woken up, but Kano thought he looked sexy like that.

"Good morning." Seto murmured, rubbing his eyes. Kano jumped when the door of his room opened and Kido was standing in the doorway. "K-KIDO!" Seto yelped, now fully awake.

"Oh good, both of you are here. I hope you didn't do anything?" She had a scary look on her face, both Kano and Seto shook their heads furiously. "Good. I found out about the two of you yesterday, and all I have to say is that Seto must die for taking Kano from me." Seto was shocked by the fact that Kido had threatened to kill him, while Kano was surprised both by Kido threatening to kill the one he loved and that she basically said she liked him.

"W-wait!" Kano shouted, "You like me?!" Kido nodded her head with her death glare. "I-I'm sorry Kido, but I'm in love with Seto." Seto's face started to turn red from blushing and Kano flinched, waiting for Kido to hit him. But that moment never happened. Kido was on the ground crying.

"But I think I know someone who likes you, Kido." Seto spoke, Kido looked up from the ground at the dark haired boy with a surprised expression. "Momo." Seto stated. "Why do you think she follows your order even if she thinks it's dumb? Or stalks people with you?" Kido's face turned red when he mentioned that. H-He knew?! Kido thought as she looked back at the ground. "But you've been so focused with Kano that you didn't notice it." Seto finished.

"B-But she told me she likes you!" Kido widened her eyes, Kano started to laugh.

"It's not just me who can lie. I can just change how people see me." Kano shrugged. Just then, Momo wandered up to the door.

"You guys are so loud." She glared at Seto and Kano when she tripped over Kido who was still on the ground. "Oomph!" She landed on her face and flipped over to look at what she tripped on. Her face turned a shade of pink when she saw Kido on the ground. Kido suddenly tackled Momo at the foot of Kano's bed.

"Momo! Don't lie to me!" Kido nearly shouted. "Who do you like?" Momo's face heated up even more, she was at a loss for words and was stuttering a lot. Kano had to restrain from bursting out laughing at the drama unfolding on the carpet of his room.

"U-Umm... You..." Momo spoke quietly, but was surprised when Kido's lips met hers. "Kido!" Momo's face was red like a tomato, Kido grabbed her ankles and dragged the confused girl out into the hall. Kano finally burst out laughing as well as Seto.

"Well, that was fun." Kano wiped a tear from the corner of his eye and hugged Seto. "But maybe not as much fun as I'm planning to do with you tonight." Kano winked at Seto and jumped out of bed. Seto's face was now turning red, he watched Kano get dressed. Kano didn't even mind if Seto watched, he was in a good mood today.

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