|| Chapter Twenty-Five ||

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Y/n P.o.v

The water was splashing beneath my bare feet, my heels slid across the slimy sewer flooring.
My nose was scrunched at the sour smell that engulfed the sewer tunnel.
I wasn't trying to escape.
I just needed to leave what I knew as Pennywise's home for a few minutes and then find my way back.

I can only hope Pennywise would understand if I ended up being caught.

I placed a hand on my stomach as I walked, I didn't look very pregnant.
Only three or four months it looked like, but it was strange.
I had only been pregnant for what, a week?

How long until this baby came?
And what would happen?

I drew in a deep breath to calm my thoughts, before my attention was pulled to my stomach.
A kick?

My breathing halted and my body paused in its tracks, I stared down at my belly in complete confusion.
Had it already developed limbs?
I shook my head quickly, concluding my mind was playing tricks with me.
I continued walking through the sewer tunnel.

My eyes fixated on the crumbling cement that was wearing down from all the murky water in the area, I held my hand against my stomach as my finger fuddled with the stitches along my belly.
I let out a small sigh as I closed my eyes and breathed in.

I wonder what my Dad was doing...
My Mom and Brothers funeral was in a few days.

Everyone thinks i'm going to attend...

One week.

I opened my eyes and raised my arms to stretch, I cringed at the sharp pain that ran down my spine; my back popped. I slouched slightly and wrapped my arms around my weakened frame, I think it would be nice to count down the days to the funeral.
If I couldn't attend, why not at least remember when it's being held?

"One week..." I whispered to myself before looking down at my slightly enlarged stomach.
I rubbed my belly before speaking in a soft tone, "I want to hate you..."
I paused for a moment, as if letting the words sink into my unborn babies ears that may not have even developed yet.
"But I can't help but want you with me already..." I finished in a hushed tone.

I froze at the feeling of lanky arms wrapping around my waist, and the weight of a head resting on my shoulder. I turned my head to the side to see Pennywise watching me intently with his bright blue orbs.
My feet stopped moving and my hands quickly fell from my stomach.
"What are ya doing out here, Sweets?" He asked with small smile.
I couldn't tell if it was forced or not- but it unsettled me.

I took a shaky breath, the feeling of his long arms around my waist began to tighten, I placed my hands against Pennywise's wrists in an attempt to halt his slight squeezing.
I answered quickly, forcing back the urge to stutter.
"I-I..." I breathed in to calm my nerves.
"I wanted to- to walk around for a bit..." I mumbled, slowly turning my head to look down.

His grip quickly tightened, taking the breath out of me. My hold on his wrists became a bit frantic as I tried to push his arms away a bit.
Pennywise frowned, acting as if I had hurt his feelings, "You don't like my home?" He asked, removing his head from my shoulder to stare down at me from behind.

I shook my head slowly, "no-no! I just needed to walk a-around for a little!... " I insisted.

His hold tightened more.

I let out a small, pleading cry and raised my head to look at the clown behind me. "Please!- " I pleaded helplessly.
The clown scrunched his nose and furrowed his brows, his eyes a bright orange; but it seemed that a blood red surrounded his orange orbs.
That was new, and worrisome.
Pennywise tilted his head as his grip gained my strength against my body, I felt my back popping quietly.
My stomach being squished a bit.
I began digging my nails into his wrists in an attempt to pry his arms off of my body.
"P-Please! Penny-Pennywise, please!..." I cried out, my eyes feeling as if they could burst from my head at any moment, my breath began to escape my maw.
I could barely breath.
I began violently slapping at his arms, raising my head to look up at the clown was again.

He looked as if he was in a sudden daze.

"Please!" I screamed.
I clenched my eyes shut and cried out from the pain in my back.
His arms loosened quickly and removed themselves from my body, allowing my worn down frame to fall onto the wet floor.
My hands falling into the grey water to catch myself, I gasped desperately for air. I raised one of my hands and placed it against my throat as I coughed on air running through my throat.

"Oh dear!" I heard behind me.

"I don't know what came over me..." The clown giggled the smallest bit as he spoke.

"I just had the strangest urge to squeeze you to death," he explained, I could hear him clasping his hands together at the sound of gloves slapping together.
I slowly raised my head and shifted to my side, laying my hip in the grey water. I stared up at Pennywise with wide eyes.

"I felt like there was something other than you that I needed to kill!" He laughed at his own words, "How peculiar!" He giggled, standing on his toes for a split second before lowering himself.
He then looked down at me, his eyes were still orange.

His smile slowly disappeared and shifted into a frown, where he proceeded to let out a low growl.
"Go back now," he demanded with a low, raspy voice.
I nodded and quickly rose to my feet, my dress that Pennywise had placed on my body was a bit wet; it clung to my body like it was the end of the world.
I shivered at the feeling of cold yet dirty water rolling down my skin.

Pennywise made his way behind my small body and set his hand against my back before forcefully shoving me forward. "I'm afraid i've been too nice to you, my dear, you simply cannot go wandering around whenever you please!" He insisted, giving me a 'tsk tsk tsk'.
I slowly began walking, not daring to respond.

I had nothing to say.
I was more worried about my baby than myself at the moment.
He had squeezed me so hard, what if it hurt the baby?

What if it ended up ditzy?
Or misshapen?

I slowly shook my head.
Squeezing someone can't possibly cause that much damage.
I continued to slowly walk through the sewers, Pennywise's hand never leaving my back.
I could feel my spine against his hand.

Had I really lost that much weight?

I lowered my head and stared down at the murky water below me, my feet slushing through the liquid with slow slides. Pennywise seemed to grow impatient with my slow pace and shoved me forward once again.
I didn't bother to look at him, I hung my head low and spoke in a shaky voice, "I only wanted to walk..."

Pennywise shook his head slowly, not accepting my excuse as an answer.
He lifted his hand a violently wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck.


We returned to the main center of Pennywise's den, where the corpse lay, and where the pile of child's belongings lay.
He pushed my forward before yanking my head back and violently turning my body to face him, I let out a cry of pain and the jerking of my body.
Pennywise placed his forehead against my own and stared into my fright filled eyes, his frown slowly shifted into a smirk, he breathed in and sighed in relief.

"You have the fear of three, my goodness..." He grinned.

"You're going to be delicious, my dear~"

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