The police gathered around the sewer tunnel, flashlights and guns in hand.
Prepared to fight for their lives if they were to find Y/n's kidnapper.
The group traveled onwards into the tunnels in search of Carter.Y/n was at the hospital, going under multiple operations in such a short time span after she had been found just outside a small sewer drain on the side of one of the many roads of Derry.
The doctors hadn't told her she must have had a miscarriage during labor.The officers stopped as a few other vehicles pulled up outside of the large sewer tunnel, a few detectives and such adding to the herd of law enforcement.
They trudged on down the humid tunnel.
Hoping they would at least find Carter's body.If they found nothing, they would have nothing to go off of.
They might not be able to find the criminal responsible for such dark crimes.The bright flashlights zipped around the tunnel, peering into a large hole in the tunnel wall.
Completely unaware of the story it held inside of it.
The flashlights studied the inside of the hole to make sure Carter wasn't smuggled inside. When they saw no trace of the male, they continued onward.
They continued through the harsh loops and circles until they came across what they felt to be the last turn in the sewer system.
They had been searching for at least four hours.
One of the detectives, with a far better job then the everyday police officers stepped forward to lead the way for the group.
The detective held their gun at the ready, prepared for any unexpected occasion.As they continued forward the detective came to a stop.
Their eyes traveling down to the floor of the tunnel, the murky water that covered their feet shielding them from what they stepped on.
The detective could feel whatever this shape was that they had stepped on was abnormal- not something that should be in the sewers.They gestured for a few other detectives to get a closer look, the three kneeled down. The leader of the group removing their foot from the mass.
The second detective slipped a pair of rubber gloves on, to keep from getting their finger prints on whatever it was they had found.
How did it manage to become so deeply submerged into the grey water?
The detective finished coating their hands in gloves and dug their hands into the grey water, a shiver ran rapidly down their spine.
They began to feel at the mass beneath the dirty water, only to gather the feeling of a body.
A sigh exited the detectives lips and they turned to give the disappointed look to the two other detectives.
The detective pursed their lips together and reached forward, finding what they assumed to be the head.And they carefully pulled up.
Out came Carter, his eyes bursts open and his mouth sat agape as he gasped desperately for air.
His blond curls fell straight down his face as grey water ran rapidly down his pale skinned face.The cops and detectives gathered around.
In awe at the survival of the young man.
"W-Where's Y/n!?" Is all that he could manage to push out of his throat as he panted desperately in order to fill his lungs with air.
The leading detective tossed their head back and shouted, "Call a bus!"
Y/n lay limp in her hospital bed, currently undergoing anesthesia.
But as she drifted into a slumber, she couldn't help but to visualize Pennywise and the baby that lay in his arms.She wondered whose baby he stole this time.
She couldn't remember the fact that she had gone into labor, for Pennywise had made her float when it happened.
Before Y/n completely drifted off into a dreamland for surgery, she could hear the faint sound of doors being slammed open and the voices of the doctors around her becoming a bit unnerved.
She heard the voice of an unknown person, except these words were not faint- she heard them clear as day...
"We found Carter Abrams."The last thought that passed her mind before she fell asleep- was the fact that when she had left Carter in the abandoned house on Neibolt with Pennywise, she had forced herself to believe that whatever Pennywise did to Carter, Carter would survive.
She had believed.

LoveSick || Pennywise X Reader ||
Fanfiction||UNDER EDITING|| IFFY WRITING -THIS STORY IS DARK. NOT FLUFF- A few long years after moving away from Derry to live with her Father, eighteen year old, Y/n returns for her Mother and young brother's funeral and to inherit the old house she used to...