Mother ForestFire x Gormling Reader x Father Agrom

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(Hey guys Twilight here and I am so very sorry. I had to put this story on Hiatus because I had writers block and busy with other stories but I am back and ready to continue this story and just for those who don't know Gormling is a word for child Gormiti)

(Y/N's POV) I was running for my life. My Parents were after me with the intentions of giving me a beating. They hated me. When I was born, they immediately disliked me. They had wanted a son but had me instead. For 1 year they just ignored me, but on my second birthday they started abusing me. I am 4 years old now. I decided I had enough and left but my parents found out and came after me. I had been running for 4 days now without stopping. Then I was cornered by them. When they were about to grab me a figure jumped in front of me. "Run!" She told me. I didn't need to be told even once and I booked it. 

(ForestFire's POV) I was flying just minding my own business when I saw it a Fire Gormling running for her life with 2 more Fire Gormiti running after her. From what I could tell she was covered in scratches and terrified I saw them corner her with a knife. I became angry and landed in front of the child telling her to run. She booked it. I fought the Fire Gormiti adults and won. I went looking for the child. Later on I found her in a cave and she looked at me with fear. I bent down and offered my hand to her, instead of taking it she run into my arms, and cried into my chest.

(Y/N's POV) I ran into her arms terrified and cried. I felt her stiffen before arms encircled me she held me close and picked me up. "Wjhat is your name little one?  My name is ForestFire." I answered saying, "Y/N." After a bit I felt her take off into flight. I held onto her tight so I wouldn't fall. After a while she landed in front of 5 other Gormiti . They looked at me with Shock. ForestFire  put me down and I got behind her, scared them were gonna beat on me like my parents did. She chuckled and said, "It's okay little one they won't hurt you." I came out from behind her. 

(Agrom's POV) ForestFire landed in front of us and had something in her arms. I looked closer and realized it was a Fire Gormiti. Not just any Fire Gormiti, a Fire Gormiti Gormling. ForestFire put her down and she hid behind her, pure terror on her face. ForestFire chuckled and said, "It's okay little one they won't hurt you." She came out and I realized that she was covered in cuts, scrapes, and bruises.

(Y/N's POV) I came out from behind my savior. and said, "Hello." They greet me back. ForestFire then introduced me to them. "Guys this is Y/N. Y/N this is, Noctis, Agrom, Piron, Tigris, and Tasaru." 

(4 days later still Y/N's POV) The lords and Ladies of Gorm showed me they were nothing like my parents when I told them about it they were mad. Unlike my parents they didn't beat on me or try to starve me to death. Instead they made sure I was well fed and ForestFire and Tigris healed me. They were nothing like my folks. ForestFire and Agrom were the ones I was the closest with. I felt like they were my mom and dad. I was talking with ForestFire and she said that she was making dinner.... and I let it slip by saying, "Okay mom."

(ForestFire's POV) When I heard Y/N call me mom, I stopped what I was doing and looked at her with wide eyes. Y/N then realized what she said. And She blushed. I just smiled. and took her into my arms. Agrom heard it to. He came over. Y/N said, "hey dad." And she covers her mouth. Agrom just smiled big. And he took me and Y/N into his arms .

(Y/N's POV) I felt like I was with a real family. I hugged them. ForestFire looked at me. "Y/N do you really see us as your parents?" I said, "Yes I do." I was blushing. "Well we see you as our daughter." I felt my heat fly. I hugged them tight and they hugged me back. "I love you mom and dad." I whispered and snuggled against mo, while dad said, "We love you to. our daughter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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