Chapter Three

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I awkwardly stood in front of the classroom, curious eyes on me as I looked down at my feet. My cheeks turned beet red as I heard some hormonal teenage boy yell at me.

"Damn you're hot!" He said, earning a round of laughter from the classroom.

Mr. Agsin sighed, looking over at me. "Would you like to share a couple of things about yourself, Miss Wittmore?"

I wanted to shake my head no, but I decided not to. "Um, I moved here from North Carolina, I've been riding horses for 13 years and I like to go running." I said, spilling out the three most random facts about myself that I could think of.

"Hey hottie, what else can you ride?" a student in the back yelled.

Mr. Agsin glared at the student in the back but begs to clap, signaling for the rest of the class to join along. "Thank you, Miss Wittmore. Why don't you take a seat in the back, with Mr. Grey."

I knew he said it like a question, but it wasn't a question on where I was being seated. With my head down, I began to walk back towards a smirking Axel, who moved his feet off the desk in front of him and onto the floor.

"Take a seat, Sweetheart." Axel said, patting the seat in a slow manner.

I looked up when I heard him speak to me, though I wish I had stayed looking down because Winter reached out her foot and the next thing I knew I wa on the ground.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, watching my things go flying from my hands as the rumbles of laughter echoed through my ears.

With a reddened face, I began to pick up my belongings, my hair cascading over my shoulders and in front of my face to hide myself.

"Winter, why are you such a fucking bitch?" Axel said, his whiskey brown eyes now a cold shade, as if a storm had taken over them.

Everyone in the class went "Ohhh" like we were a bunch of elementary school kids.

Winter whipped her head around and looked at Axel with anger, "Don't you call me that, trailer trash!" She seethed, all while I was frantically picking my things up.

Axel's eyes got angrier, if that was even possible. "At least I don't whore around with my father's clients for money!" He bit back, spilling her little secret to the class.

Winter stood up, nearly impaling my hand with her five inch stilettos. "It's an esc-", she began to scream but the sound of a textbook being dropped on the tiles cut her off.

Mr. Agsin dropped two textbooks on the ground, "Miss Fields! Mr. Grey! That is enough!" He bellowed, his nostrils flaring with anger. "Neither of you can afford another trip to the principal's office, so I suggest you stop screaming at each other and let me teach!" He said, his chubby arms folded across his chest.

Axel and Winter both grumbled incoherently under their breath, but didn't bother to argue.

Now all the attention was back on me. I slowly stood up, then slipped into my seat quickly and quietly, desperately wanting to get this lesson over with.


As third period rolled around, I realized that Axel had been in all three of my classes today. Thankfully, Felix was with me in photography and now English. Silently, I walked into class alongside Felix, who had been rambling about some guy for the last five minute walk to class.

I nodded my head a few times here and there, and made a few comments but my mind wasn't set on conversing or making friends today.

Felix sighed dreamily, "Hey, maybe you can date Axel and I'll date Colton and we can go on double dates!" Felix exclaimed, as if the idea had no flaws in it.

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