Chapter Six

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"For the last time, I'm not kissing you," I huffed angrily. I was walking towards the cafeteria, and apparently I didn't get the memo that it was National Annoy Ariella day.

"But, Sweetheart, I promise I'm a good kisser." Axel said, casually throwing an arm around my shoulders.

I shrugged his heavy arm off my shoulders, shooting him a glare out of the corner of my eye. "Axel, leave me alone. Aren't you with Winter anyways?" I pointed out, and my subconscious couldn't help but think about how much better I would be with him than her.

Axel scoffed, looking at me with a disgusted look, "We hooked up like three or four times. She likes to think I'm her boyfriend, but I am most definitely not."

I mentally cringed at the image of Winter and Axel doing the dirty. "Okay I didn't need to know that much information, but thanks I guess?" I offered.

Axel grinned at me, flopping his arm onto my shoulders. "Anytime, partner," he grinned as we walked into the cafeteria simultaneously.

I knew Felix didn't have this lunch, so I had no idea who I was going to sit with. I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Axel's arm to hit me in the head.

"Whoa, what's the problem?" Axel asked, a few steps ahead of me.

"I don't have anyone to sit with," I replied.

Axel rolled his eyes, "Come sit with us, Ari." He said as a defining statement, and I knew there was no room for argument.

I huffed, wanting to argue, but I sucked it up and followed after Axel who was headed straight towards the popular table.

It wasn't until I got to the table that I noticed Colton and Winter sitting there, with a few other guys and girls  that I didn't know.

Axel took a seat next to Colton, leaving the last seat open right across from Winter. "Ariella is sitting with us from now on." He said to the table.

The Colton and the other guys didn't complain, but Winter stomped her stiletto on the ground. "This bitch," she said, looking at me with a look of disgust, "is not sitting with us." She said firmly, challenging Axel with her eyes.

Axel turned his head to the left and narrowed his eyes, "Oh, but she is." Axel said, grabbing my arm and yanking me down into the chair.

I fell with a thump, my butt hitting the hard, blue plastic with force. I awkwardly sat there, meeting the look of my step brother who finally decided to speak up.

"Winter, chill out. Ariella's chill." Colton said, looking up from the piece of greasy pizza in front of him.

Winter glared at Colton. "She's trying to steal my man," Winter hissed out.

Axel and I spoke at the same time,

"I'm not even interested in him!"

"You're such a psycho bitch!"

Winter glared at the both of us, but then her eyes softened at Axel, "Babe, you don't mean that, right?" She said with a disgustingly seductive voice that didn't even sound seductive.

Axel scoffed, "Um, yeah, I do. We fucked maybe four times. I'm not even sure because you aren't that memorable," he finished with anger, his eyes darkening and his nostrils flaring.

If I wasn't about to pee my pants, I would've admitted how hot he actually was. His jaw was clenched in anger, his nostrils flaring, those once whiskey brown eyes were now darker than Satan's soul.

Winter's bottom lip trembled, signaling that she was actually about to cry. "Axel..." she drawled, looking at him with an unidentifiable emotion.

It was unidentifiable to most. Not to me.

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