love yourself

349 77 46

loving someone else is much easier
than loving yourself
it takes months,years,decades
to accept yourself
for all the flaws,scars and
broken shattered pieces
those scars have shown that you have survived the battle
those broken shattered pieces have shown that you have been broken a million times
those flaws should be accepted as they are a part of you

one day there'll be no one
you're all alone in the darkest nights find yourself drowning with salty tears
feeling all crappy on the
inside and outside
it's all gonna be you
that picks up yourself and
gather the strength inside of you
to prove that no one's gonna bring you down
that even all this time
you're still strong

imagine a broken miniature 
it can be fixed with
a hell lot of patience and
self love


/o to those who are rlly having a pain in the ass in life rn but do remind yourself that you have been through tons of battles and yet you're still alive,fighting till the very end

tysm for the lovely feedback which is much more than i could ever imagine
p.s this isn't a poem but just a lil message for those who needed it and i know everyone has to be reminded from time to time

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