deep enough

52 13 2

those ocean like eyes
worry her most times
never seem to leave
her sight
a fixed gaze

a voice that was soft and melodious
like a music box she heard
over and over again
the one she felt safe with
the one which she could drown in

this melody was ringing in the ears
in and out
loud and soft

"How would you ever prove your love?
Was your love ever genuine and real?"

this melody repeating
in the tragic mind of hers
she wanted to scream
her guts out

she finally looked into those eyes
with this melody
asking her again

"I've wasted too much time on all the wrong faces.Prove it to you?I'll show  you."

"I'll jump into the water. To the sea. The ocean will bring me down. I'll be at rockbottom. Is that deep enough?"

that was more than deep enough. that was so much more. a whole new level.

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