A newfound family.

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Sakura stepped out.

She loved the way the low cut grass tickled her feet, and the warm sunshine calmed her entire being.

That's when she realized, she wasn't made for the castle life.

Just being out in the nature, it gave her a sense of euphoria.

She slowly danced around. And yes..She escaped the castle.

And where should she go now? Well...

She had no place to go now. She did not have a fixed path.

The whole world was her home.

Could she really be happier?

She slowly danced around, making sure that her blood red cape was kept wrapped around her, preserving her incognito.

Soon, the sun set and Sakura took shelter under a tall tree, near a house.

It was someone's backyard. But it was really dark and Sakura did not notice.

Since Sakura left the castle with a full stomach, she did not feel the urge to eat anything.

Without her mind clouding in worry, she drifted of to sleep.

Sasuke almost gasped.

She was here..The princess. With a cape draped around her body..In their backyard.

Her chest was rising and falling, in sync to her audible breathes.

She was totally....exquisite.

'Mother!' Sasuke managed to choke out, since he was still in a state of shock.

It alerted Mikoto as she scurried outside, only to let out a scream.


Sakura's eyes jolted open. As she hastily got up, and looked at the mother and son quizzically.

'W-Who are you?' She said.

And then, it hit her. She was in THEIR property

'MY APOLOGIES! I WILL LEAVE  IMMEDIATELY! ' She tried to scurry out, only to be pulled back by her wrist.

'No, it's alrig-' Sasuke immediately became aware of his actions.

He, was indeed, holding the princess by her hand.

Sasuke retracted immediately.

Sakura sighed. 'I suppose you guys want the full story?'
Sakura became telling them everything. Word by word. Everything in detail.

By the time she finished, Sasuke and Mikoto's eyes were overrun with tears.

'I am so sorry for the disturbance..I will leave now..' She murmured, and got up to leave.

Mikoto's motherly instincts kicked in, as she walked upto Sakura, and kissed her forehead. She felt obliged to.

'You can stay with us..'

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