Chapter 1: Dangerous encounter! The Mysterious Blaze Dragon!

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Leon's POV:

One night 2 years after saving the president's Daughter, Ashley, I was sent on another mission to stop a virus that is mutating people and turning them in to these weird Dragon looking creatures, but Dragons don't even exist! So what the hell is going on here!? As I was thinking out loud to myself.. I didn't notice that one of said creatures was headed my way until it was too late...

??? POV:

I was walking in the city minding my own business thinking about the current virus going around that's turning innocent humans into Dragon like creatures... I can't help but think that I have something to do with it being that I'm a Dragon but that's ludicrous, there is no way that could happen, I can't be the reason am I? No! I won't believe it!

I don't have any memory of ever being able to do something like that... My thoughts were then broken by the sound of a scream and gun shots that seemed to be coming from somewhere not to far from where I'm walking, so I decide to see if I am able to help out. When I get there I see a man with dirty blonde hair being attacked by one of those creatures!

My instincts to help get the better of me and I sky kick the monster setting the man free of it's grip and kill it with my flames...when I turn to see if the man is ok, The only thing is see is fear in his blue eyes and him holding his gun up to me...

Leon's POV:

I was struggling to get this thing off me when I saw a figure come out of nowhere and kick it off me, what frightens me the most is that the figure summons flames to finish off the monster..

When it turns around I immediately point my gun at it ready to shoot at any minute, when the flames die down after a moment or two I see that the figure is actually a girl around my age, with pure white hair and light blue eyes. When I realize she's not going to attack I slowly put my gun away and she slowly approaches me with some caution...

3rd POV:

Leon slowly and cautiously approaches the mysterious girl until they are a foot in front of each other.. Leon then breaks the silence by saying,

"Hey thanks for saving me back there, my names Leon Kennedy."

The girl then replies while taking a step backward, " I'm Blaze, Blaze Dragon, it's nice to meet you Leon and you're welcome.."

A/N: Hey I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, please a comment on what you think.. And look forward to the next chapter. Blazethereshiram signing off.

Battle against the D(ragon)Virus!(Leon Kennedy x Female! Reshiram OC)Where stories live. Discover now