Chapter 8: Run in with Ada

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3rd POV:

"Blaze, you are coming with me. Now let's go!" Ada demands the Whitette woman currently standing behind Leon, who is standing in front of her in a protective manner.

"Ada! What is that you want with Blaze?! Tell me!" Leon asks her not so sure what the red dressed woman needs his new flame manipulating friend for.

"And how do you know her name?!?" Claire then shouts afterwards.

" Nothing you need to know..." Ada tells Leon with a sly smirk, completely unfazed by Claire and ignores her, causing Leon to clench his fists in building irritation.

Blaze then moves closer to Leon, while reaching out towards Claire, to show to Ada that Leon and Claire are the only ones she will trust, all the while keeping an emotionless face. The movement however, reminds Leon of something that Blaze had told him about the time her twin brother was kidnapped.

(Short Flashback)

" Do you remember what he looked like Blaze?" Leon asked.

Blaze stares up into the sky off into the distance as if the stars would help her remember and says; "Not really.... but I do remember him wearing black sunglasses and he had an Asian woman with him."

(Small jump in the flashback)

Blaze continues and says, "She was wearing a red dress, has short black hair and high heels... she looks like some kind of spy to me.."

(Flashback end)

Leon's POV:

'Hold on a minute....Back when Blaze told me about the people who attacked her and her brother Bolt, who was then taken away without her remembrance, I remember her saying that one of them was a woman matching Ada's description. I don't understand though...., how could Ada be behind or at least linked to Blaze's brother's disappearance? None of this makes any sense so far, but I can't exactly rule it out just yet. I just need Blaze to tell me something....Anything at the moment that might give me a clue to knowing if Ada is one of the two people behind Bolt's kidnapping.' I thought to myself not 100% sure what to think of all this.

'Blaze...' I whisper to her and she lifts her head to signal she is listening.

'Do you remember what you told me about the woman you saw taking your brother away with the help of a man that was with her?' I asked her keeping my voice at a low whisper and Blaze nods.

"What about her...?" She asked me and I motion towards Ada with my eyes, Who now appears to be becoming extremely impatient with us.

Then at the corner of my eye I see Ada beginning  to step toward us, her eyes being held in Blaze's direction.

3rd POV:

As Ada paces closer to Blaze and Leon, Claire slowly takes her gun out of it's holster preparing to point it at the Ravenette, although she decides not to bring the weapon into the open, fearing for not only her safety but Blaze and Leon's as well, thinking that the appearance of her weapon would bring on a unnecessary fight.

'She better not walk any closer to them, I don't know how much she can be trusted. She may have helped myself and Leon in the past back in Raccoon City but, with the way she is demanding Blaze to go with her without some sort of reason or explanation.... I honestly don't think she's on our side this time, though I could be wrong. I just hope I am and that this is all some sort of misunderstanding.'  Claire thinks to herself,  slowly putting her gun back into it's holster but, keeping her hand on it just in case.

All of a sudden Ada stops walking knowing that she might give away what she was sent there for in the first place, now realizing that Blaze has amnesia by the way the flame controlling female has been giving off no signs of remembrance towards her or that she was there during the abduction of her brother.

' she lost her memory? How convenient. This should hopefully make things easier this time around to get her back where we need her. The only problem or problems I have right now are Leon and his friend Claire Redfield. That and I still have to find her brother whom escaped not too long ago.' Ada thought to herself pleased at the unexpected discovery.

"Blaze, I apologize for being so demanding.... let's start things over shall we?" Ada asked successfully hiding her knowledge of Blaze's amnesia.

However, Blaze doesn't even bother budging from her spot behind Leon. Instead she stares at the Asian woman in front of her with a scrutinizing gaze and she begins to feel a strange sensation tugging at the back of her mind.

' I know her from somewhere...., though I'm not sure.....where....,I feel like I can't trust her at all. I don't know why though, The only thing I do know for sure is that there is something nagging in the back my mind telling me that she just cannot be trusted. This Ada person... what is it about her that makes me feel so much resentment towards her?' Blaze thinks to herself, while nudging Leon's shoulder to get his attention.

"Leon.... I don't trust her...there's something wrong with the fact that she knows my name but, it's not just that..."Blaze tells him in a hushed tone.

"I don't at the moment either, Blaze, and I was just thinking the same thing." Leon agrees with her.

"I think it might have something to do with what you were talking about just before but, I'm not so sure though, my memory is still a bit fuzzy on that woman I told you about." Blaze told him and Leon nods his head in understanding knowing that Blaze wasn't going to be all that confident about her memories in her present state.

"It's fine Blaze, just stay behind me." Leon tells her loud enough for Ada to hear letting her know that things were not going to turn out in her favor.

Due to the current impasse Ada backs off hoping that this small but delicate gesture will build even the smallest bit of trust between her and who she knows is the White Blue-Eyed Dragon, camouflaged in a human form that she has been searching for.

"Ok then, seems like things aren't going to go so smoothly.... you do have a right to be wary though, especially with what has been going on in the city lately, to be honest I would be too if I were you. So how about this: why don't we go into the cover of one of the nearby buildings to talk? That way you can feel a bit safer?" Ada said asking Blaze if she wanted to talk in one of the buildings in hopes that she will fall for her trap.

Not really sure what to do, Blaze turns her gaze towards Claire, who has been glancing at her and uses her facial expressions to signal for some kind of help.

In response Claire mouths a response that tells Blaze: "That's up to you to decide, but be careful about it." Also not too sure what she should do.

Blaze then turns her glance toward Leon, whose eyes soften at the alarmed look in Blaze's light Blue orbs.

"It's your choice, Blaze, I'll be there behind you if you need me to be there." Leon assures her in a comforting tone, trying the best he can to keep her calm.

"Same here..." Claire replies in agreement with Leon knowing that just being there for Blaze is the best that she can do for her right now.

Blaze then smiles at both of them and looks towards Ada once more, something in that moment between eye contact with Ada however, begins to make that feeling she had in the back of her mind click.

A/N: Hello, I hope you enjoyed the long overdue chapter, as well as the little cliffhanger I decided to add in at the end of the chapter, I wish I would've been able to have done more for this chapter though. But good news chapter 9 will hopefully be coming out soon, So I hope you're ready. Have a great day/night and I'll talk to you in the next update. Until then my Sol Dragons. Blazethereshiram signing off.

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