Chapter 12: Should I trust him? Part:2 ( Blaze's POV)

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It seems like over an hour had passed since my brother found me, choosing to travel with me...still... he reluctantly allows Leon to travel with us, even though the two of us have been walking these streets side by side alone together all this time...
(A/N: With the exception of Claire)

"I don't understand why you don't trust me Bolt. I never did a thing to hurt Blaze and I wouldn't have attempted to hurt you if you hadn't tried to attack me back there." I hear Leon say sounding slightly irritated.

"It doesn't matter, all you humans are alike in the end anyway! There is no way you can convince me otherwise!" Zekrom shouts in slight anger.

"Look! I know you don't like me but, you could at least show some compassion and understanding for Blaze, who does, and not fight with me over everything little thing." Leon scolds Zekrom and I feel my brother's anger beginning to rise.

"Leave my sister out of this! She shouldn't even be near you. As long as you and her are in the same place together she is constantly going to be a target if your dangerous species." My brother's voice raises, things slowly becoming more strained the longer they continue to bicker with each other. Soon they begin to fight over every little thing that happens to crop up.

'I'm surprised Leon isn't catching when my brother says "Humans" or Human beings" and questioning us about it. He's literally putting it out there that we aren't human..' I think to myself feeling nervous about when Leon does begin to catch on.

Another 15 minutes later once their fight lung had really started becoming worse than it already was, I sprang into action before I could stop myself, knee already digging into my brother's back between the shoulder blades while simultaneously shoving his face in the dirt. Seconds later, I'm jumping off with my handgun pointing in Zekrom's direction, my eyes filling with fear and anger.

"Blaze! What the hell!? Why?!" Zekrom asked me terrified. I wasn't sure what to say..., it happened so fast...all I saw was Leon pinned to the ground by my brother struggling to breathe and a sudden strange wave of anger began to take over. Nothing else mattered in that moment.

When things were let to calm down, expressions of anger and fear turn to guilt and regret and I holster my weapon away. 'Bolt....I'm so sorry....I...' I tried to apologize.

"Blaze what happened back there? Normally you wouldn't attack someone unless....they were....the enemy..." Zekrom asked, almost like something was beginning to click into place.
(A/N: Blaze heard this but Zekrom did realize he was saying this in his POV of this part of the chapter)

"Blaze tell me what happened there? You know I wasn't going to kill him right? I already have you my word that I wouldn't . So why attack me like I was the enemy?" He then asked me hoping I would answer.

'I-I don't know, maybe I was scared that you were going to take things too far. I saw the way your eyes shown full of rage and hatred...'I said trailing.

"Blaze..." Zekrom started a little uneasy.

'Bolt, Leon couldn't breathe under your weight! You were suffocating him, damn it!' I told him with anger and the remains of the fear I felt shaking my voice.

"So you were going to kill me to save him?! Human being no less..., over your own flesh and blood?! Why?" He questions me with an alarmed tone.

' I didn't mean to put my handgun at you it just happen by pure, well , instinct." I began explaining.

"Instinct? Why would your instincts go off for a human being?"

'Because Bolt, he's a friend and partner. Leon and I have been through a lot together already despite only knowing each other for a few days.' I voiced explaining about what had happened when Leon and I first met, telling him about the habit I developed since our netting and how we began traveling with each other.

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