Chapter 14:The Dragon's Enigma

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3rd POV:

Silence is all that's heard following the events of the fight between Blaze and Lunares, a deafening, eerie silence that somehow reaches the ears of Leon and Zekrom. Not liking the type of silence they hear the fighting instantly stops in its tracks.

" I don't like this.... This is not the type of silence I want to be hearing." Leon says as a cold sweat starts to run down the back of his neck.

" I hope it's not what I think it is..." Zekrom says, a new type of adrenaline beginning to flow through his veins and both men glance in the area where Blaze and Lunares were fighting not too long ago, what they see making Leon's blood run ice cold and Zekrom's to boil.

"BLAZE!!!" Leon screams, the sight of an unconscious, badly injured and bleeding Blaze in the arms of Lunares being enough to make it feel like his heart almost stopped, becoming unable to focus, Zekrom's erratic movements to stop Lunares from taking his sister snapping him out out of it.

Before Zekrom had the chance to attack Lunares, Leon stops him from attacking receiving a glare and a few choice words from the Red eyed Dragon.

"Bolt, attacking the person who just kidnapped Blaze would have hurt Blaze more than she already is. That what you wanted to do?" Leon tells Zekrom explaining to him what he almost did wrong.

Realizing this Zekrom reluctantly calms down and listens to what Leon has to stay on account of Leon saying he had thought the plan ready.

"Chase down that person, they didn't get far, I'll fill you in on the plan on the way." Leon tells Zekrom I said start running in the direction Lunares ran in, I they hope they didn't get that far yet.

(Time Skip to after Leon tell Zekrom his plan)

" What are you crazy?! There's no telling what they will do to us if they catch us in all that ice! They might leave us to die in this godforsaken, virus ridden Hell!" Zekrom y'all was trying to keep his Solinian tongue from slipping into the open. (Meaning to keep himself from speaking the language of his and Blaze's people.)

"It's the best we got Bolt and you know it." Leon tells him remaining calm as two of them kept running into direction of a huge pillar of Pink and Purple ice shooting up from the ground at what might be infected getting in Lunares's way, giving both men the hope they needed that Lunares hadn't gotten too far.

"By the way Bolt, did you happen to see what the person is wearing underneath that cloak? It looks like a jumpsuit didn't it?" Leon then suddenly asks wondering if Zekrom saw the same thing.

"Yeah. It was Dark Pink and Black. Why?" Zekrom asks him with a bit of an attitude that Leon forces himself to ignore.

"Those are the same colors that are friend of my named Claire described about the jumpsuit the person she's searching for is wearing. If I could get a look at what the rest of this person looks like I could confirm that the person who is running away with Blaze is the same person Claire is looking for from Umbrella." Leon tells him and Zekrom's eyes darken in fear at the sound of the name "Umbrella" as it brings back bad memories of when he was a lab subject for the virus, the expression going unseen by Leon.

"The person we're after if from Umbrella?!" Zekrom mentally dwells on as the feeling of fear is replaced by anger only causing him to become all the more determined to catch this usually colored ice manipulating individual.

(Another Small Time Skip)

During the time Leon and Zekrom are chasing Lunares, now closing in on them, Zekrom begins to contemplate what he had seen since Lunares's appearance.

"Where did I last see ice in pink and purple like that? I feel like I once knew someone who was able to use ice similar to that from my childhood, can't be mine and Blaze's twin brother....this person is too petite to be Kyurem and his ice is normally a clear looking Icy Blue..." Zekrom mentally compares the appearance between his and Blaze's younger brother and the person he faintly remembers from when he was a young Dragonling to Lunares when their appearance and ice powers spark a feeling a familiarity in him.

Wet felt like an hour later, Leon and Zekrom finally catch up to Lunares, Zekrom unleashing a bolt of lightning to hopefully slow down or stop Lunares in their tracks, The lightning bolt managing to strike a foot in front of Lunares making them jump backwards, dropping Blaze in the process, the White haired Dragon female's unconscious body rolling away at least 2 feet away from both the blast site and Lunares by the force of the lightning strike itself.

"Bolt! What the hell is..." Leon was about to scold Zekrom after seeing he had almost hit them both which could have injured Blaze even more than she already was until said Dragon turns to him with a scowl.

"Shut up!" He then tells Leon with a snarl, Red eyes looking like they could pierce his soul, Leon doing nothing to defend himself not wanting to be in the same or similar position he was in when they first met knowing he's strangely unable to hold his own against him and Blaze isn't here to rescue him this time.

"Go, get my sister out of here... I'll deal with this bastard and allow you sometime to get away. I'm the only one who would be able to, if you can't so much as handle someone like me." Zekrom told him adding on that snarky comment pissing Leon off in the process though nods his head before running off in the direction Blaze had flown in the electric blast.

However, before Leon could get too close, Lunares fires huge Dark Pink and Purple ice shards at both him and Zekrom, forcing Leon to duck into cover and Zekrom to deflect them with large bolts of electricity, using said electricity to break up the ground in front of him to counter attack.

Obtaining a clear visual of Lunares Tenbris moments after Zekrom's assault, both men find them kneeling down in a protective stance, cloak torn to shreds from the over use of Ice and the pieces of earth and asphalt being hurled towards them. Lunares then stands up after noticing the debris from Zekrom's counter attack had ceased revealing to both men, Lunares is a young woman around the twin's age, her hair style and eyes remaining hidden by the hood attached to her jumpsuit, preventing either Zekrom or Leon from finding out her true identity.

As a consequence of the human and Dragon male's stupor from finding out Lunares is actually a woman, said women takes advantage of this to run away with Blaze in her grasp again knowing the distraction has given her the perfect opportunity, at the same time Zekrom it's lost in his thoughts about where he remembers last seeing a woman capable of Pink and Purple ice at some point in his past.

"Get your ass back here now!!!" Leon shouts towards Lunares being the first to break of the daze caused by the earlier confusion, unintentionally grasping Zekrom's attention in the process who watched the Blonde male run In the direction in which the Dark ice manipulating woman escaped.

"Leon!" Zekrom yells angrily at the Blonde as he runs after him, Leon slightly turning his head without slowing his pace.

"What?!" Leon said equally as irritated to let the Black Dragon disguised as an adult human male know he has his attention.

"*Sighs* Nothing. Never mind." Zekrom said with a huffy sigh walking a little ways away from Blaze's human companion, even though he was pissed he didn't call to him when he was lost in thought understanding why he didn't, resulting in the reason why nothing was said about it.

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