Chapter 11: Should I trust him? Part:1 ( Zekrom's POV)

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A/N: This chapter will be based upon Zekrom's point of view per the title of the chapter itself.


Bolt, leave him alone! Leon's been protecting me!" Blaze shouts making Zekrom calm down slightly, and lessen is glare.

"Fine...., but only because you said he's been keeping you safe Blaze otherwise..." Zekrom commented before trailing off and glancing to Leon with a light glare still being persistent in his eyes.

"Otherwise what?" Leon asks also glaring.

"My sister seems to like and trust you, which is rare....I demand that all three of us travel together from now on." Zekrom told the Blonde agent while walking up to him.

"Ok, fine by me." Leon told him.

Zekrom then slows down slightly stopping momentarily at Leon's shoulder causing Leon to tense up at the closeness.

"I don't trust you, you're only here because of Blaze." The Jet Black haired Dragon Male whispered before walking past him.

Zekrom's POV:

Over an hour had passed since I had began to travel with Blaze and that human I found she had been traveling with. I don't care to remember his name since I suspect him and his kind, however, my sister somehow is that possible...even with what humans have done to her and I?

"I don't understand why you don't trust me Bolt. I never did a thing to hurt Blaze and I wouldn't have attempted to hurt you if you hadn't tried to attack me back there." The Blonde human Male told me sounding slightly irritated.

'It doesn't matter all you humans are alike in the end anyway! There is no way you can convince me otherwise!' I shout at him in slight anger.

"Look! I know you don't like me but, you could at least show some compassion and understanding for Blaze who does and not fight with me over every little thing." He scolds me making my anger slowly rise.

'Leave my sister out of this! She shouldn't even be near you. As long as you and her are in the same place together she is constantly going to be a target of your dangerous species.' I almost start to scream at him slowly becoming unable to control my rage and hate for human beings.

The small argument then continues along, slowly but surely getting worse as the tension in the air becoming thicker in intensity  and soon I find myself beginning to fight with him over our latest argument.

Another 15 minutes later once our fight had started to show signs of becoming worse than it already was, I found myself attacking my sister's human ally in a fit of rage. Through that rage I had pinned the human to the ground, the pathetic bastard already appearing to be struggling underneath my weight and superior strength.

Not to long after though, I feel a tremendous force stronger than mine striking me off the writhing human and down to the earth beside us, the unpleasant feeling of someone's knee digging into my back between my shoulder blades while simultaneously having my face shoved in the dirt.

Seconds later the attacker jumps off most likely not even seeing the sheer expression of shock and horror on my face once I learn who it was that attacked me.

'Blaze! What the hell!? Why?!' I asked her terrified when I glanced back to see she had a gun pointed at my direction, her eyes showing nothing but both anger and fear.

'Why is my sister pointing a gun at me?! What the hell has gotten into her?!' I think to myself in disbelief. Moments later after things were left to calm down, Blaze's expression of anger and fear turn to guilt and regret as if she weren't acting like herself and she puts her weapon away.

"Bolt...I'm so sorry....I...." Blaze said trying to apologize, but why does she keep calling me by my nickname? She doesn't normally do that...

'Blaze tell me what happened there? You do know I wasn't going to kill him right? I already gave you my word that I wouldn't. So why attack me like I was the enemy?' I ask her hoping for an answer.

"I-I don't know, maybe I was scared that you were going to take things too far. I saw the way your eyes shown full of anger and hatred..."She said trailing.

'Blaze...' I started.

"Bolt, Leon couldn't breathe under your weight! You were suffocating him, damn it!" Blaze told shocking me to no end.

'So you were going to kill me to save him?! A human being, no less....,over your own flesh and blood?! Why?' I question her more than alarmed.

"I didn't mean to point my hand gun at you it just happened by pure, well, instinct." Blaze said beginning to explain.

'Instinct? Why would your instincts go off for a human being?"

"Because Bolt, he a friend and partner. Leon and I have been through a lot together already despite only knowing each other for a few days." My sister told me explaining about what had happened when she first met the human I now remember his name being Leon, telling me of this new habit she had developed since they met and began traveling with one another.

I then begin to realize something, she hasn't been acting like herself...not at all. Something feels extremely off about her and I can't seem to pinpoint what it is, so I start asking her questions about what happened over a year ago.

'Blaze, do you remember getting kidnapped at all?' I ask her and Blaze's facial features contort in confusion and uncertainty.

"No...I don't remember that at all. To be honest I don't think that ever happened, not recently anyway." Blaze tells me to my once again shock and disbelief.

'Then what about the day I was kidnapped? Do you remember that?' I then ask her becoming worried.

"Some,but not everything." Blaze tells me and I become more worried, confusion being added to the huge mix of emotions I've been feeling causing me to ask her more questions, this time a few more personal things and others that are more important like: Where she came from, who she is as a Dragon, and why she is actually here to begin with. (A/N: Dragon as in their last name) Blaze telling me "No" for most of the questions of giving me answers that seem like she had made them up.

Eventually I come to realize: my sister has acquired amnesia and I was just about to blame the Blonde human being behind her until also registering Leon had actually been trying to protect Blaze all this time! I can't believe think that she had amnesia and that a human is willing to protect her instead of taking advantage of her loss of memory?

Even so I cannot and will not trust him...not even if he had been helping her all this time. In the end, however, I pull Blaze aside to try to convince her not to trust her human ally giving her reasons as to why, though even with all that I tell her, do I really actually feel that way even when I have come to learn the truth about what they have been through?

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