chapter 1: The Seemingly Obvious

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Hey wattpad readers! This is my first fanfiction, so I don't necessarily know if I did good or not... But I have a passion for writing just as big as reading wattpad! I really hope you enjoy the story! Oh, and one last thing- I don't know if the chapter was too short. Please tell me in the comments if I should make them longer. I have time and I can make the chapters longer if you readers want me too! I don't own Dead Men Tell No Tales, but the idea of this story is original.
Henry Turner couldn't get his eyes off the pretty girl standing at the front of the classroom, showing off her prim and proper Biology project to the class, her clear, angelic voice ringing throughout the room, her blonde, straight hair flowing down her shoulders, her light brown eyes sweet and innocent.
God, Alina Gray was the definition of beautiful. She was innocent, kind, a little clumsy, and always "dropping" her things on "accident". Basically, completely worthy of being Henry's  damsel in distress.
If he had confidence.
Which he didn't.
He was average Henry Turner, with average brown hair, average brown eyes, average height, average life. There was never anything new. It was always the sane old story- but it shifted gears with Alina. His rare stuttered versions of conversations with her always sprung him to life, making him feel new and fresh and alive. With a life like his, it was hard to remember the importance of anything without her.
And after the presentation was over and Henry had to stop staring at Alina, or, more specific ally, at Alina's pretty, golden hair, he heard his name get called.
"Yes sir?" He muttered, mostly from shock, but partially from dry throat from not talking and staring at Salina for far too long. " For the biology project, you are paired with Carina Smyth." He said this with a strange stutter, as if he had never said her name before. Then again, she never raised her hand, so he probably didnt say her name ever.
The teacher, Mr. Roberts, continued talking, letting himself read aloud all of the partners, but all Henry could think about was his rotten luck.
This couldn't be happening. He did not just get paired up with a boring girl he had barely ever talked to- a girl that was not Alina. He felt himself get mildly upset, but calmed down his feelings, plastered a smile in his face, amd walked up to Carina's desk.
"So," he started awkwardly, " I am your new partner." He sat down in the empty seat next to hers, and observed her discretely. Her long, blown-black hair tumbled down in locks on her shoulders. Her blue eyes glittered in the sunshine that the sun emitted through the window, staining the glass and her face, which was soft and smooth. She was drumming her fingers. Biting her lip. She was nervous. For the lab report, probably. He assumed, an and opened his lab notebook as they began working on the procedure Mr. Roberts had assigned.
And, at the end, they literally had to give each other their PHONE NUMBERS AND ADRESSESS, to assure that they could communicate with eachother outside if school. He hoped that she could come to his house- he lived alone, and really did not want to meet Carina's parents.
After the horrible, boring class was over, Henry walked out of the room, glad to be away from the silent, stony- faced girl Carina. He groaned and ran a hand through his hair. It was just his luck that he was paired up with her- and he didnt even do anything wrong! So why the punishment?
As he opened his locker, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.
He turned around, about to tell whoever it was to go away, but then he froze, an immediate blush falling into place across his facial features. It was none other than Alina.
"Oh h-h-hey Aliny- I mean Alina."
Alina smiled, showing of her pearly whites as she responded, a hint of fakeness in her voice, because surely no one could be that happy over nothing,
"Hey Henry! I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the party Friday night. Everybody in our grade is coming."
The blush fell from his face.
"Even Carina?" He asked spitefully, and even Alina noticed.
"Yeah, I know right? I only invited her because I didn't want her to feel bad." She shrugged her shoulders. " I didn't want to be mean."
Henry looked at her in awe. It must have taken a lot of courage and selflessness to actually ask her- he could only admire her bravery.
"W-w-well then, s-see you Friday!" He stuttered out, and rushed away, a huge smile and an even bigger blush erupting on his face.
Alina rolled her eyes and smirked in disgust as soon as he was gone.
"That," she muttered to herself, "was harder than asking Carina to come."
So what do you think? I would love some critique or comments in the comments section. This story gets updated at least once ever two weeks. Mind you, I said at LEAST. I can probably do two every week if I have some extra time,on my hands. Thanks so much for reading, you guys!

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