Chapter Two: The Party

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that this story will be completed, as some people have been asking me if it will be an incomplete story or if I plan to finish it. I am going to finish this story, so thanks for asking! Enjoy!
Henry could hardly breathe- his heart was pounding, his hands were shaking, and sweat was dripping down his forehead.
All he had to do now was ring the doorbell.
He was standing in front of the door to Alina's house, which could've passed off as a mansion, and he could hear the blaring music pund in his ears-even though he was outside.
He shakily lifted his finger, and ever so slightly, he pushed the circular button that would decide his future.
Well, not really, but that does not matter, now does it?
The door swung open, revealing a drunk man, waving an open beer bottle over his head, and Henry had to duck so he didn't get hit in the head. He carefully avoided him, stepping around the random dude, and felt the warm bodies around him pull him to the center of the dance floor.
He swayed himself back and forth, not willing to dance, but more so because of everyone around him was pushing him that way. He felt himself smile, just a little, and he began to dance, slowly at first. In a matter of seconds, though, he had a crowd surrounding him, cheering him on, dancing with him- and he was completely devoid of real thoughts.
The first half of the night was filled with drinks, dancing, horrible singing- and it was not the prettiest of sights, especially for a guy like Henry, who was mostly innocent, mostly nice, and pretty much a stay home play videogame person.
But then Henry turned his head.
He saw the back of a pretty girl he was pretty sure he had never seen before. She had long, curly black hair, wearing loose jeans and a long sweatshirt. She was tall and slim, with pale hands that showed through the sleeves.
And Henry, in his drunken state, didn't care who it was- he sauntered up to her, swating slightly, as if someone blew on his face he would topple over, and whirled the girl around.
It was Carina Smyth.
Before he could say a word, he saw those bright blue, shining eyes, and he couldn't resist the urge to kiss her.
He bent down, grabbing her waist, and...
She ducked.
Carina Smyth, the nerdy, lone girl who was hardly lucky enough to have anyone want to kiss her, ducked.
She squinted at him, and chuckled.
"You must be seriously drunk to want to kiss the ugliest girl in the school."
Henry scowled, and before he could cone up with a comeback, he passed out on her shoulder, his vision cloudy and blackening.

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