Chapter 3: How?

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Henry woke up to soft, low humming and the worst hangover he had ever had. More specifically, the only hangover he'd ever had.
He groaned, turning his head from the couch he was sleeping on, which he was thankful was his, and saw his best friend, Alex Torres, humming "Mary Had a Little Lamb" while making what smelled like chicken soup.
"Alex...?" He muttered, clutching his head in pain as he sat up straight. "Alex, what happened?"
He saw his best friend turn around, his blonde-brown hair falling over his forehead, his aqua eyes squinting a little as he smiled.
"You were at Alina's party. I think you passed out or something, well, that's at least what the girl to your left said, and she was lugging you on her shoulder. I didn't get anymore information, because she passed out right after that. She might have been drunk too, but I think she was just tired. She had called me, and I think you have her your emergency contact for your biology project, or something? It was really weird."
Girl to my left? Henry thought absent-mindedly, and he turned his head to the couch that was, indeed, to his left.
And there sat Carina Smyth, sleeping on his couch.
He choked at the sight. Her hair fell neatly to the floor, her eyes were shut and she was breathing slowly.
But how? How in the world would she bring him to his house? And why, for that matter?
"You sure she didn't say anything else?" Henry asked, his voice hoarse and scratchy. He saw Alex nod his head, still humming the nursery rhyme, and Henry ran a hand through his hair. This could not be happening. This was weird. Awkward. Gross. Strange. Nice. If you were choosing to be overly positive about the whole situation.
Henry sighed, sure as the sun rises that he lost his sanity, and flopped back down on the couch. He had forgotten his hangover, and the sudden movement caused his to wince and grumble to himslef in pain from his aching head.
He slowly sat up and carefully got on his two feet, glancing around at his familiar home. But it wasnt familiar, in a way. Somehow, Alex cooking as if he usually barged into his house at sometime in the morning, a girl he barely knew sleeping on the other side of the couch felt....
Like his house had actual people in it, rather than himself, like he was surrounded by a family he never really knew. It was nice.
He, wobbling just a tad bit, walked over to Alex, watching him making the home-made recipe. He turned and sat on the kitchen table, literally on it, and tapped his fingers on the surface. "I'm hungry."
Alex and Henry whipped their heads to the couch, where a sleepy, half-awake Carina was rubbing her eyes, which werent even open.
Henry and Alex looked at each other, panicked. How would they take care of a girl? Why was she still here? Why weren't they kicking her out yet?
"Ummm..." Henry muttered awkwardly, trying to break the horrible silence. It did not work.
Carina walked over to the kitchen cabinet, where she eventually found a carton of cookies, and stole about seven. Then she quickly stuffed them into her mouth, chewing in them hungrily.
"You know this is my house, right?" Henry asked, kind of offended that she just barged into his kitchen and stole his cookies.
"You know that I saved you from being publicly humiliated after passing out at a party, right?" She shot back, less sharply but quite sleepily.
Alex shrugged at him, siding with Carina's logic.
Henry scowled, and Alex laughed. Carina squinted at him.
"You don't remeber trying to kiss me, do you?" Carina asked, clearing her throat, as it sounded scratchy and sleepy.
Henry tilted his head, and the memories flooded back to him. Being drunk, staring at blue comets for eyes, and...
Henry gasped, his facubg turning red in embarrassment. Alex had his eyes wide open, his mouth agape. It transitioned into evil excitement, and he yelled,
"CARINA! You have to tell me what happened!" Carina grinned, her eyes half closed, at Alex, and she smirked. "He was drunk and he tried to kiss me and I ducked and-"
Henry yelled, "Carina, shut up!" And Carina and Alex couldnt help but laugh.
It was so strange. It felt like home- but why? How did a girl he assumed was shy and quiet make him feel so friendly, so not bored?
Carina coughed, and Henry walked over to her. "You ok?" He asked, hand in her shoulder, and she pulled back.
"I'm fine. I'm probably just a bit sick from last night."
Then, she fell to the floor, her breathing quick and raspy.
At first, Alex and henry stared at the passed out girl on the floor.
And then they panicked.

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