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Over time the years seemed to go faster for Carmen. The first 5 after his death had been agonizingly slow but then suddenly as if the speed of time could change, the past 60 some years went by in a blur. At this point in time life was just another side affect of the super soldier serum her father and Howard had put in her.

"Well it looks like we finished early, does any one have any questions?" hands shot up around the room. Carmen had taken the past couple of years to stay out of field work and train new recruits. Today was the first class of the new years recruits.

"Eli, you" she pointed to the shaggy haired brunette in the front. He smiled cheekily as if his question was the best.

"Tell us everything" the class cheered at this and she chuckled and plopped to sit on top of her desk.

"Alright um, I was born in 1919. Yes I am 92 so no old jokes" she pointed towards the crowd and they laughed.

"In 1946 I received what is called the super soldier serum that my father had created for World War 2 and the SSR. I founded S.H.I.E.L.D. with my close friends Peggy and Howard and as the years passed I went inbetween field work, lab work, and receiving my PHD, associates degree, bachelors degree, and masters degree" the class cheered at this and she chuckled lightly.

"I fought in the Vietnam War and I was there during 9/11. I saved a lot of people that day and I'll be forever grateful to be apart of something that brought our country so close together. Even if I was born in Germany" another couple of chuckles fell through the room.

"After 9/11 though, in 2002 I adopted a little girl and I named her Julia Margret Erskine. After 9/11 I decided I needed to stay more out of field work especially when I adopted her, so I could be there for her and now here I am. A 92 year old that still looks 27" the class cheered and she shook her head and shooed her hand at them looking to the clock.

"Alright that's enough, class is over" the group collected their things and moved towards the door filing out. Carmen turned to her desk and started moving her paperwork into a bag. She could finally go home.

"Director Erskine" she turned to see Nick Fury. She remembered his ambition when he first joined the agency. When it came to picking a co-director after Howard had died it was a simple decision.

"Nicholas, how are you?" her kindness hasn't gone like everything else in her life had.

"We have to talk" she suddenly became concerned and turned her body towards him so he knew he had her full attention.

"Earlier today we got a tip about a crashed plane. I sent Coulson there and he just gave word back" he handed over a file and Carmen slowly opened the cover.

"He found the Captain" she sucked air through her teeth as she felt the stab of pain towards her heart like she always did when someone mentioned him.

"He's still alive" she shoved the file back to Nick.

"I don't want to see him" she said and Nicks eyes widened.

"Director. He's been frozen for almost 70 years. What he needs is someone he knows and cares for" Carmen shook her head and continued grabbing her stuff.

"Give him any files about me but I am not ready to see him. This is to much" she didn't want to cry in front of Fury. She was his elder and leader.

"As you wish" she started towards the door and before she got there she turned.

"Make sure he has somewhere nice to stay. And cut his hair. He hates it when it's in his face" Fury nodded and she gave him a forced smile before pushing out the door and returning to the world where life was a bad cold she couldn't get rid of.

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