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Carmen sat by Fury and Agent Hill's side as the flew out to the New Mexico desert where one of their remote research facilities were. It was currently undergoing evacuation and they needed to be there. The helicopter landed a few feet away from Agent Coulson and the 3 exited.

"How bad is it?" Carmen asked him as they all started to walk. Fury and Hill behind the two.

"That's the problem ma'm. We don't know" they quickly walked through the radiation section of the facility where hundreds of technicians and other staff ran around to collect only the essentials.

"Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago" Coulson told her and she nodded.

"Nasa didn't authorize Selvig to test the phase" she told him and Coulson nodded.

"He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement" he explained.

"It just turned itself on?" Maria asked and Carmen turned to glance back at her. Carmen remembered the day perfectly when she had joined. She excelled at everything for an agent and that's why she was always by Nick and Carmen's side.

"What are the energy levels now?" Nick asked that broke Carmen from her thoughts. She had been a bit more daydreamy since her recent blast from the past decided to blow up in her face.

"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac" Coulson informed him and Carmen nodded.

"How long to get everyone out?" she asked and Coulson looked at her. He's always looked at her with a glint of admiration. Coulson was the number 1 biggest Captain America fan and even if it was a rarity from Carmen the stories she would share and the little details about his personality made him so happy. It was so weird to think he knew someone who was so close to the Captain and had the super soldier serum in them just like him.

"Campus should be clear in the next half hour" he informed her and she smiled. Coulson was like her son. She had trained him to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and she felt it was easier to share her past with him than anyone else. Other than Tony.

"Do better" the group started going down towards the radiation facility floor when Maria leaned forward.

"Ma'm, evacuation may be futile" Nick leaned forward as well.

"We should tell them to go back to sleep?"

"If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance" Carmen nodded to make it seem as if she was taking in all the information but really her mind had started wandering else where. Suddenly her phone rang and she turned to Nick.

"Lead operation and I'll be in when I can" she told him and he nodded as she moved to answer her phone.

"Hello?" her stomach felt sick for some reason and it wouldn't shake.

"Hey Aunt Carmen, its Freddie" she smiled slightly at the boys voice. He sounded just like his father but was the complete opposite.

"Hey Freddie, what's up?" it was nice to hear a familiar voice. Lately work and thoughts had been slowly suffocating her. She hadn't realized how far she had wandered off from real life.

"I know it's probably a bad time but um, he's gone Auntie Car" her heart jumped as she heard the words.

"What do you mean?" she asked and she heard a sniffle on the other end.

"My father passed away from a stroke earlier today. I know he meant a lot to you and-"

"Freddie if you need anything I'm here. If you need to stay with me that's absolutely fine" Freddie was 47, his father and mother had struggled with getting pregnant but finally he was their little miracle. The reason Freddie wasn't married or had kids himself is because he had joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and left a few years ago to stay with his father to simply help take care of him.

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