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Carmen continued driving the chariot when she was suddenly hit at her side. Immeadiatly she turned to find the source the blast had come from. As she looked behind her she noticed Loki following quickly.

"Of course it's you" she muttered as she begins to drive the chariot in hopes to get him off her tail.

"Director, what are you doing?" she heard Clint over her com and she lightly rolled her eyes.

"Uh, a little help!" she exclaimed and Clint aimed his arrow at Loki. As he got a lock he smiled.

"I've got him" the arrow moved quickly and smoothly straight at Loki's head. Yet Loki grabbed the arrow straight out of the air and looked straight at Hawkeye with his sadistic smile. Yet Clint was left unfazed because the arrow exploded in Loki's face and crashed in the Stark penthouse pad.

Carmen looked down and built up her momentum before jumping and landing right on top of Stark tower, rolling herself to the edge. Without thinking much about the tumble she walked up to the CMS machine quickly.

Selvig laid on the ground, weakened but overjoyed to see his trustworthy authority. The Tesseract energy is firing towards the portal gaining strength from the moving energy.

"Doctor" she noticed Selvig watching her, his eyes the normal shade.

"Loki's scepter, the energy-.. the Tesseract can't fight. You can't protect against yourself" he slowly sat up trying to tell her.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know what your doing" she told him, slowly walking towards him.

"Well, actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source" he explained and she chuckled.

"Loki's scepter"

"It might be able to close the portal and I'm looking right at it" she walked to his side to see him looking down and the lost scepter laying for their use. Selvig almost immediately gets back into scientist mode clacking away at the computer while Carmen retrieved the scepter.

"I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!" she said as her fingertips brushed through the forcefield almost touching the cube.

"Do it!" the voice caused her heart to ache. Steve. She had almost forgot he was there. It felt all her time had spent with him like it was way back when. Being away had almost caused her to forget his existence.

"No, wait!"

"Stark, these things are still coming!"

"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it" Carmen's stomach dropped as she heard. While she left Fury in charge the council had over ruled him. Those bastards.

Tony had caught up with the missile and he quickly grabbed it from behind. With mighty effort he knocked it off its course and began steering it from behind. Carmen watched as he moved closer and closer to the portal. He seemed to get higher and higher and suddenly he is flung through the portal and communications die.

Carmen stood there holding the scepter shifting and becoming impatient awaiting Tony's return. She couldn't loose another family member.

"Come on Anthony" she muttered to herself.

"Close it" Carmen's eyes went wide.

"But, Steve. Anthony-"

"Close it Carmen. He's a hero" a lone tear fell down her cheek.

"My first nephew" she cried and his heart clenched as he heard her.

"I promise you everything will be just fine"

"You always break your promises" yet without hesitating she pulled the scepter out and the tesseract turned off it's energy beam and the portal quickly closed. Just as the portal was a second away from closing Iron Man's suit is seen plummeting towards the earth.

"Son of a gun!" he kept falling and falling and Carmen began to get worried until she saw Hulk grab him out of air and go crashing and sliding down a building.

Carmen had run into the penthouse as she knew Tony was safe. She saw Loki laying on the ground slightly passed out. She started to look around frantically.

"Carmen" she turned to Selvig and he pointed to the door to the training floor. She ran quickly that way and swung the door open and there the little girl sat.

"Mommy!" she ran towards her barreling her into a hug. Carmen checked for any injuries but seemed untouched.

"Why did he need her?" she asked turning to Selvig who stood at the door. Selvig sighed his face slightly ashamed.

"Loki, found a way to put some of the tesseract power inside of her. Show her darling" Julia turned and looked straight at a 50 pound weight. Blue sparks sprouted from around it and slowly it lifted.

"You can control things with your mind"

"Isn't it cool Mommy!" Carmen wasn't sure how to respond. Why would Loki need to transfer his power into another.

"Loki wanted someone he could relate to, to look up to him as their leader. What better than a little girl with almost the same power as him" Selvig explained and she sighed. She picked up the little girl and motioned towards the door.

"Are you alright?! Is she alright?!" Steve came barreling towards her and her heart broke slightly. Why didn't she feel anything? How was it she couldn't feel one thing for him?

"We're fine" she urged and pushed past him. Suddenly movement sounded and all Avengers heads snapped towards Loki who crawled onto the stairs. All move to position their weapons at him and Carmen stayed back with Selvig and continued to hold Julia. As if he had sensed them he turned to see all the Avengers looking at him completely pissed.

"If its all the same to you. I'll have that drink"

Renege // The AvengersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum