Pleasure Relationship - Jimin *

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-Your POV-

"Hey Y/N.. Can you get the outfits for the 'DNA' performance!??" someone screamed from the busy dressing room.

"Y/N! We need the other makeup box here as well!"

"Fuck!! Y/N! Y/N! Call to check if the producer is ready!!!!"

As always, you were running around here to there being everyone's assistant/slave.

"Bring me the mics over there! Now!"

"Bring the outfit rack!"

You were starting to panic.
You were busy trying to do everything as quick as possible but there were just too many demands and orders from everywhere at once.

"The mics! The mics!"
"I- Yeah, I'm-"

"I got them," Jimin said, suddenly standing right behind you.

You hitched your breath and began to get nervous.

"Can you.. meet me after the stage..?" Jimin said quietly, a slight smirk on his face, as he stroked your arm while walking past.

You stood there thoughtless.

"Y/N! What are you doing!? I need the outfit rack!"
"Oh! Sorry, I'm coming!!"


BTS were just 15 minutes before going on stage to perform DNA on a music show.
Finally things were a bit more organised and it wasn't as busy as before.

"Hey Y/N! Wanna come watch this with me?" Taehyung said, motioning you to come sit.
"Uhh.. huh?" you answered, not entirely sure how to answer.
"Yeah, come relax here with us," Jungkook said smiling.

All the BTS members were always so nice to you.. except..

"Bring me a bottle of water," Jimin said coldly, looking at the TV screen where currently Red Velvet was performing their song.

You stood there shocked and confused, not knowing what to do.

"Uh.. hahaha! Yah! Jimin! Get it yourself! Come Y/N!" Jin said, awkwardly brushing off the situation.

You walked towards them when Jimin sighed, "I asked for water."

You didn't understand why Jimin was like this. He was always cold to you..

"Um... sure." you said quietly, walking to the fridge.

You took the bottle to Jimin as he placed the bottle on the table, not taking a single drink.

"What the heck Jimin-"

"BTS! Backstage please!"

You looked at Jimin with hurt eyes yet he ignored you and walked onto stage.

Why did he always act so cold to you?


You were in the backstage storage room- where Jimin wanted you.

You weren't sure if he wanted you here anymore after the whole backstage incident but you decided to come anyway.
BTS' stage ended and you heard feet shuffling then the door creaking open.

Jimin walked in as you looked to the ground.

He walked closer without a single word and started unbuttoning your shirt.

"Um.. I don't get why-"

Jimin looked annoyed and started kissing you aggressively.
Almost as if he was telling you to shut up in a.. very fucked up way.

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