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Harley was lying on her back staring up at her ceiling as her friends, Harvey and Ivy, were having an argument. Again.

"Harley, what do you think?" Ivy asked.

"Hmm?" Harley replied. "What?"

"Have you seriously not been listening to what we've been saying?" She asked.

"Well, no." Harley said sitting up. "What was it you guys were talking about?"

"Ivy was just shouting at me because I'm not a vegetarian." Harvey said, clearly annoyed. "It's not like you are a vegetarian. Are you, Harley?"

"That's not the point, Harvey." Ivy said. "You just sit and eat meat like there's nothing to it. How many animals do you think have died due to your daily eating routine? Huh?"

"Ivy you are a-"

"Both Of you, shut up!" Harley said. "You two seriously give me a headache."

"Well, it's not my fault that she's-"

"That I'm a what? A what, Harvey?!" Ivy shouted.

"Hey guys." Selina said walking into the room and saving the three from an argument that could've gotten very messy. "I brought donuts, anyone want one?"

"Here, I'll take one." Harvey said.

"Me too." Ivy said. "And give Harley one, she's looking a little thin."

"Hey!" Harley exclaimed throwing at pillow at Ivy.

"Sorry, Harley, it's true."

"Shut up, Red." Harley said as she took the donut out of Selina's hand.

"It looks like someone's bought the house next to yours, Harley." Selina said.

"Yeah, I think it's a family. One kid. He's about our age. That's all I know." Harley smiled.

"Ooo, Red, maybe Harley will finally get a boyfriend." Selina giggled.

"Hopefully." Ivy said with a laugh.

"Excuse me, who are you dating, Red?"

"I don't need to date. I'm a head-strong, independent feminist." Ivy stated.

"Yeah, yeah."

"And, Harley, if you get a boyfriend, me, you, him and Bruce can go on a double date."

"Can we please stop talking about dating. It's making me cringe." Harvey said. 

"Okay, So, the new boy is he gonna be going to our school?" Selina asked.

"Maybe, probably. It's the closest high school to here, so, I guess." Harley nodded.

Selina smirked but didn't let Harley see it.

Slowly everyone left Harley's house and she was alone with her thoughts again. That was never good as her mind usually told her crazy things.

She started thinking about the new family who would be moving in next door. Maybe their son would be normal. This town could do with a little normal. But something in the back of her mind made her doubt it.


Harley heard cluttering and noise outside which is what woke her up earlier than she usually should be up on a Sunday morning.

She looked outside and saw a moving van and people unloading boxes. She noticed a middle-aged man and woman and assumed they were the parents. She then saw someone get out of a car, earphones plugged in and green hair.

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