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2 weeks later

The Joker and Harley had grown excessively closer over the past weeks. They talked a lot in class, when they got home and on the phone.
It has only been two weeks but Harley knew she had feelings for The Joker.

And her friends did too.

Nygma was over at Harley's house. He was mainly there to try and help her with, well, all of her homework but she couldn't concentrate. Her mind kept floating off to a certain green-haired boy.

"Harley! Harley! Are you even listening to me?"  He clicked his fingers in front of her face.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah. Totally."

"What was I saying?" He asked.

"You said some stupid riddle or something."

"Well, technically true. I asked a riddle, just to ease the mood a little. I asked you 'what's nowhere but everywhere, except where something is? Huh?"

"I don't know, Ed."

"Nothing. The answers nothing." He said triumphantly.

He sighed when he realised Harley wasn't listening. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?"

"Who?" Harley asked.

"Who's got green-ha-"

"Yes I'm thinking about him." She said so she could shut Ed up. "Shh!"

"Sorry. I was just asking a question." He took a breath. "I've done most of this, Harley, do you get it yet?"

"Can you not, like do it all for me Nygma. Please. I'll be forever grateful."

"If you answer my riddle correctly, I'll do it."

"Fine, riddle me Nygma."

"Hmm... what's strong enough to smash ships but still fears the sun?"

Harley thought for a moment. She was on the verge of given up when.

"Ice." Someone said walking through the door.
"Ice can break ships but is afraid of the sun."

That someone was Joker.

"Well, I've got some work to do. I'll leave you two alone. Goodbye, Harley. Joker." He gathered his things and left quickly.

"He confuses me." Joker chuckled.

"What you doing over here, J?" She asked.

"What? I'm not aloud to come over and see my Harls?"

"Yours?" She smiled.

"Of course." He grinned at her. "Wanna go out tonight, doll face?"


"Anywhere you want." He said flirtatiously.

"You still haven't painted the walls in your room, J." She pointed out and then she had an idea. "Can we paint your room, J? Please?"

"Say it again?"

"Say what? Please."

"Whatever. But I'm choosing the colour. I'm not having some bright pink room."

"Never, J. I'd choose colours that match your personality like black and green and purple."

He growled at her. She knew purple was his favourite colour.

"How do you know me so well? How often do you think about me, Harls?"

"Psh. Never. Never ever. Only when you're here. Like, now."

"Uh-huh. Sure. Well, come on then. Let's get started. We might as-well." He said standing up. "You stress me out, lil' doll."

She giggled. "We need to go to the paint store first. Can you even afford paint?"

"Nope," he chuckled.  "Well, Yes. Technically I can but we're not going to buy it. Where's the fun in that?"

"You mean we're gonna steal it?" She said and stopped outside.

"Don't worry sweets. They won't even know it was us. I'll call one my friends. They'll be in and out in five minutes."

"J, I don't-"

"You wanna still hang out, don't ya?"

"Of course, J, it's just-"

"It's nothing. Okay. You trust me, don't you?" He asked more seriously than before.

"Yes. Of course I do."

"Then," he said grabbing her hand and dragging her to his car. "Trust me."

She nodded and slipped into one side.

They pulled up outside a smallish store which Harley new also sold paint.

"Do you wanna sit in the car for this one, Harls?" He asked.

She nodded, yes.

"Okay, But next time you're gonna have to come with me, Kay?"

She nodded, yes.

"Okay, be back in a minute. Don't go anywhere." He chucked manically and slid out of the car.

Harley was confused, bewildered. She didn't know what was going on. It all happened so far. And, yes, she trusted him. But all of this for some paint, she wondered what his big plan was.

The joker ran back out a few minutes later throwing a few things in the back, throwing a few things into the back and speeding away.

"Wooh." He said shaking his head.

He noticed Harley was unusually quiet and sighed.

"Harls, what's up? If me doing that bothered you... there's a lot you don't know about me, but if you stick with me Harley, you'll find out soon. I just need to know I can, shall I say, trust you."

"Of course you can trust me, J." She said with a pout.

"Well then you're gonna have to get used to this." He set his hand on her leg. "You should try it one day, Harls, I know you'd love it. Its such a rush."

She smiled and nodded at him.


"So, what do ya think J?" Harley asked as she just finished her purple wall.

"Almost as you beautiful as you."

She threw her hand down in a over-dramatic way. "Psshh, no."

"Psshh, Yes." He walked over to her and set his hands on her waist. "Would I lie to you, Harley?"

"No." She said with a smile.

"Right answer."

He pulled her lips up to his and kissed her.

She was surprised, this was the first time he'd actually kissed her. He'd gone to do it many times but backed away, leaving her annoyed and confused. But today he'd actually done it.

She melted into his arms and she knew she'd remember this day forever...

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