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Joker told Harley he'd give her a lift from now on, seeing as they were officially an item.

"Hey Harley!" Joker shouted across to her window. "Get your ass outside in five minutes!"

"Okay Mistah J!"

She'd started calling him that. She felt it had a sweeter ring to it.

She grabbed her bag and an apple as she skipped outside to see Joker standing there.

She kissed him quickly.

"Morning, Mistah J!"

"Harls, let's go." He slowly let go of her hand so he could get into the car.

She followed him and took a bite of her apple as she sat down.

He set his hand onto her thigh as they drove off toward school.

Harley had vaguely told Selina and Ivy what was going on so they'll understand why they were so close all of a sudden.

They arrived outside of school and Joker slid his arm over Harley's shoulder and kissed the side of her head.

Harley squealed slightly and lay her head onto his chest.

They walked in the front doors and all eyes turned to them. They were whispers as they walked down to Harley's locker. Once they'd stopped the volume level rose again.

"Why don't we just skip today, Harls? In a few years, none of this will be important."

"I can't, Mistah J. Today's cheerleading tryouts and I promised Red and Cat I'd try out with them. Not like I'm gonna get in though." Harley sighed.

"Why not, Pooh? You're perfect."

"The leader girl, hates me. And I don't know why. Like, I've never done anything to her and she just hates me."

"What's her name?"

"It doesn't matter-"

"Harley, what's her name?" He asked her in a more firm and harsh tone.

"It's Addison. The girl in our science. You know, straight, black hair."

"Oh, yeah, I know her. She's a right bitch."

"Yes, Cat Just thinks I'm paranoid but someone who gives you the evil glare every time she passes is someone who hates you." Harley stated.

"Well, Harley she's about to come over here."

"What?" Harley said quickly.

"Three... two... one..."

"Hey Harley," Addison said in her sweet, bitchy voice. "You're coming to tryouts today, right?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Well, just to let you know, there's a lot of people trying out and you - don't, really, make the cut. No offence." She smirked. "Oh, Hey, Joker. I was just wondering if you'd like to-"

"No way in hell." He scoffed and slipped his arm over Harley's shoulder again. "Let's go Harls."

They walked off down the hall leaving Addison there, stunned. Clearly she hadn't heard the news.

"See, she hates me."


Harley, Selina and Ivy were getting ready for the tryouts as the latest gossip rang through the changing rooms.

"Did you hear Harley? Addison went home sick. They're saying she got like food poisoning or something." Selina said.

"So, she's not gonna be judging who gets in?"

"Nope. That's great isn't it Harley? We all knew she hated you."

"I know." Harley smiled. "Who's taking it now?"

Selina shrugged. "Dunno. Anyone is better than her, I guess."


Harley skipped outside to where Joker said he'd pick her up. She squealed and ran straight into his arms.

"How'd it go?"

"We got in!"

"That's great, Harls. See I knew you could do it." He kissed her forehead.

She squealed one final time before getting into the car. She didn't notice but Joker had a massive smirk on his face.

He knew before she'd tried out that she'd get in. And not just because she's a great gymnast. Because he knew exactly what happened to Addison. And Harley didn't need to know. Not yet at least.

[2 weeks later]

Harley was laying with her head on Joker's chest. His foster parents were out but it's not like they'd care anyway.

"Mistah J?"


"How'd you get all your tattoos?"

"Well, you get a needle and some ink a-"

"No, no, no, J. I mean, like, why'd you get them?"

"Well, just cause. They're fun. They give me an image! You want one?"

"My mother would kill me."

"She doesn't have to know, Harls. Come on, it'll be fun. I can do it. All these ones I have I did myself. Lemme do it for you."

"J... I don't know."

"Treat it as an early birthday present. You know you want one."

"Fine, But Don't put it somewhere obvious, please."

"Come on, Harls." He said going into his drawers and lifting out a tattoo needle and loading it with ink. "You really think I would do that to you. And if your mother doesn't like it, we'll just have to kill her."

Harley giggled and sat up. Joker settled himself on the edge of the bed beside her.

"J, what are ya going to do?"

"Shh, Harley. Daddy's at work."

She giggled and nodded.

After many shrieks and near falling overs Joker had finished his tattoo. He told Harley he'd put it in a not so visible place, but, oh well. She'll love it.

"All done." He said standing up and setting the needle to the side.

"Go on, look."

Harley scooted up slowly and walked over to a mirror. She looked at the top of her arm. He'd carved a 'J' which matched the one under his eye. It was bigger than she expected.

"Mistah J! Oh my God! I'm gonna be killed... by my mother!"

"Oh, Harley. It's not that bad."

"J, it's like half the size of my arm."

"Everyone will love it, Harls. See, it matches my 'J', which tells everyone that you belong to me."

"Is it meant to sting?" She asked.

"For a little while, Pooh, it will." He told her. "Don't lie on it tonight. Unless you want to be in pain."

"Okay, J." She nodded, she couldn't stay mad at him.

"Good girl." He said patting her head. "It's looks great."

"Thank you J!" She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly.  

She tried being annoyed at him for making it so obvious. Or annoyed because he carved his initial into her skin but the thing was she just couldn't. She couldn't be annoyed at him because she actually kind of liked it. The rush of, Well, she didn't know...

The rush of being with him.

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