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"Harleen Quinzel, what is that under your eye?!" He mother exclaimed as she walked up and grabbed an apple.

"Huh? Oh... it's a heart." She said flippantly and started walking out of the room again.

"Harleen! Get back here, right now!"

Harley sighed and turned back. "Huh?"

"Where did you get that?!"

"A friend." Harley said.

"What friend?! Does this 'friend' go by the name 'Jack'?" She asked.

"His name is Joker, not Jack."

"So, it was him. That is permanent on your skin!" She shouted. "I don't want you with that boy anymore. You're never to see him."

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can. I'm your mother and I can do that. If you didn't want this to happen, you shouldn't have done that to your skin. You used to have so much potential. And he has ruined that. He's ruined you, Harleen! You're never aloud to see him again!"

"You can't stop me from seeing him! I love him!"

"No you don't Harleen."

"My name is Harley."

"Did he tell you that?"

"No!" Harley shouted. "You can't stop me from seeing him! Ever! I love him and I'm staying with him!" Harley stormed away. "I'm leaving!"

"No. You're not!"

"Yes, I am. Joker loves me... that's why he stays with me. He didn't walk out on me the same Dad did."

Harley felt a sharp sting across her cheek and her apple fell to the floor.

"You are not the same Harleen."

"Good!" She turned on her heel and sped out the door, slamming it as she did.

Harley still didn't have a car - Joker usually drove her everywhere. So, she just started walking. She didn't really want to go to Ivy's because she'd probably be as annoyed at her as her mother was about the tattoo. And she didn't want to bother Selina - she was on a date with Bruce Wayne. And Joker - she was pretty sure he was out doing his 'business' as he called it.

So, Harley just walked. And walked. She didn't know how long she was just walking and thinking for but it felt too long and she was starting to get cold. As she was walking along her street a car pulled up beside her and rolled down their window.

"Harls?" Joker asked. "What are you doing?"

She shrugged and shivered.

"Get in." He reached over and pushed the door open for her.

"What were you doing?" He asked sweetly and set his hand on her leg.



"My mother said I can't see you anymore. She thinks you're a bad influence or something like that. And shit kicked of and now I'm here." 

"You'd really leave your family for me?" Joker asked.

Harley nodded.

"Come on, we can go back to mine."

"Your house? J, you live right beside me."

"Nah, Harls. My other place."

"Other? You've never-"

"Shh, Pooh." He turned back to the car and started it up. "We'll be there soon."


They pulled up outside a house. Not just anyone house a massive house. His, so called, house was on the other side of Gotham. The bad side. The side that was near his club. It was surrounded by trees and metal gates where only certain people could get in.

"Puddin! Oh my God!" Harley shrieked. "How the actual hell? Like... Jesus... how could you... why didn't you..."

"I can afford, well, you know, my club and... other ways. Which I'll tell you about soon. I haven't told you about it because I was waiting for the right time to tell you. The time when I knew that you were the one."

"So... you think I'm the one, J?"

"Shut up, Harley. Do you wanna come inside or not?"

"Yes!" She squealed and jumped out of the car and grabbing onto his arm as he did so.

"So, lemme show you around." They walked into the first room.

"This is the main room and just over there is the kitchen. Through there... is the dining room. Bathroom one over there."

"Ooo!" Harley squealed and grinned.

"Come on; let's go upstairs." They walked up the flight of stairs. "This room, here." He pointed to the left. "Is a spare room. I don't even know why I have that, but... I'm sure you can find a use for it, Little Harlequin."

She giggled. "Yep."

"Okay and up here. This is the main bedroom... aka-"

"My room!" Harley screamed and face-planted into the room.

"No, my room." Joker stated. "But since-"

"Our room!" She squealed again and bounced up running into the en-suite.

Joker heard her scream with excitement and he waited for her to emerge again.

"Come on." They walked back into the hallway. "You see that room, on the end of the hall...Beyond the stairs, that... is my room. My office. Now, don't you ever go in there. Ever. Okay?"

"Okay, Puddin'!" Harley said in her sweetest voice. "I promise I won't ever go in there."

"Good." He patted her on the head. "There's a basement downstairs I usually just use it for torturing people and stuff... you know how business ca-"

Harley was already half-way downstairs again before he had the chance to finish his sentence.

He casually walked down and she was face-to-face with the Tv. She was currently scrolling throw Netflix and smiling mentally every time she saw something new.

"Do you wanna meet someone, Harls?"

"Ooo, Yes! Who?"

Joker whistled. "Frost!"

A man walked through the doors in a suit. He had black hair with a small-ish beard.

"Yes boss?" He had a deep voice.

"This is Harley Quinn. My girl. And, Frost, since I... trust you the most, I want you to make sure that she's treated perfectly here. And if anything's happens to her while I'm gone I'll blame you."

"Yes boss." He nodded. "It's nice too meet you Miss."

"You too, Frostyyy."

Joker chuckled and shook his head.  "Go on, Frost."

"Yes Sir."

Harley ran up and jumped into Joker's arms.

"You're the best, best, best, best, best, best-"

"Yes, Yes, Harley, continue."

"Best, person ever!" She clung onto him like a baby koala. "I love you, J!"

"I know you do, Pooh."

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